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How to grow taller

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Becoming taller has many benefits and most of the people want to get taller. Is there a way to do that? Let's find out.


Eat Right

Since your growth elements come from your diet, you will need to eat right if you are trying to grow taller. You need a balanced diet that has lots of healthy nutrients so that your body can grow taller. Start avoiding cakes, pizzas and sodas. Instead always eat salads, fish and whole grains. There are hundreds of recipes available which will help you to make delicious food using these ingredients.

Include lean protein

Include lean protein in your diet. You need them because proteins are the building blocks of bones, cartilage and muscles which will decide your strength and height. You can easily find and add protein sources to your diet. When you are getting the required amount of protein, then only can expect to grow to your potential height. If you are lacking the necessary protein at your growing stage and when you need it, your growth will be hampered. The total amount of protein you need will vary a lot depending on many factors such as age, gender and amount of exercise you are performing. The protein foods will include lean meats, fish, poultry, nuts, eggs and seeds.

Add more zinc

Zinc is crucial for your growth and you may have stunted growth because you lacked zinc at the right point of time. Why take the risk when you can add more zinc to your diet. Include foods like seafood, shellfish, lamb, spinach etc. to your diet and that will bring the necessary zinc to your body.

Add more vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for you as it helps your bones to get stronger and also promotes growth of muscle in children. If you are not getting the required amount of vitamin D, you will have stunted growth. And maybe that is the reason why you are not as tall as you wanted to be. Where do you find vitamin D? You will find it in oily fish, fortified cereals and mushrooms.

Take vitamin supplements

If you're not getting the necessary vitamins and nutrients from your food, you can always supplement them with vitamin supplements. You can start using basic multivitamins which are available at any over-the-counter medicine shop. You can add vitamin D and zinc supplements to your existing diet. Cod liver oil tablets are good for you because they offer vitamin D, which is good for your bones and joints. Before you choose your supplements, it is always better to take advice from a professional or doctor.

Get more calcium

Calcium is very essential for your bones and lack of it may result in different bone problems. If you want to grow strong bones, you will need calcium and strong bones are necessary for getting taller. You will find more calcium in dairy products. Many researchers recommend boys and girls below 18 years of age should eat or drink the equivalent of 3 cups of calcium rich dairy foods every day. However, you have to be careful in choosing the dairy products because you should not include dairy products that are high in fat. You should also avoid cream, butter and cream cheese because they have very little calcium. If you cannot eat dairy products, you can always choose the alternatives, which are tinned fish, soy products, leafy greens and calcium fortified cereals, bread and juices.

Avoid some foods

You need to avoid some foods such as fatty and salty foods. It may be better to reduce the intake of soy products, broad beans and tomatoes.



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