Home Disorders Skin Disorder Best treatment options for eczema

Best treatment options for eczema

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Eczema can be very difficult skin condition with lots of itching and rashes. There are different treatment options available for eczema but he need to choose the best treatment options. The treatment of eczema has four main goals-

Controlling the each, healing the skin, preventing flares and preventing infections.

The right treatment will depend on your age, the condition, medical history and other such factors. Sometimes a simple remain the may be good enough for you but some other times you may need to mix a few remedies to get the best results. It is very important to ensure that you keep your skin healthy and clear.

Let's find out the treatment options you have.


There are different types of medicines which can help you to get rid of eczema. Such medicines may relieve you from symptoms and may also help your skin to heal. Different medicines will work for different people. Let's find out what are the medicines that you can use for treatment of eczema.

Corticosteroid creams, solutions, ointments and foams will help you to quickly relieve itching and reduce inflammation. NSAID ointments (non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs) which is effective against mild to moderate eczema problems. Barrier repair moisturisers are available over-the-counter and by prescription and they will help you by locking water into your skin, reducing dryness, redness and itching and repairing damage. Pimecrolimus and tacrolimus medicines can be rubbed on the skin which are good for moderate to severe eczema. Corticosteroid pills, liquids and shots are very important for treatment of severe or hard to treat eczema.

Skin care at home

Taking proper care of your skin at home is very important. If you can keep your skin healthy you will be able to prevent itching, dryness, redness and reduce the need for medicines.

You should bathe only in warm water. Do not use hot water and while bulking do not use a soap rather uses a gentle cleanser. You should also not use body scrubbers or wash clothes because they can irritate your skin. After bath, pat dry yourself with a soft towel but do not rub yourself vigorously. However, never indulge in too much bathing and hand washing because that will dry out your skin. Also avoid alcohol-based hand cleaners.

You should also apply moisturiser daily because it will help your skin to stay soft and then. You need to use a thicker skin cream or ointment at night. Also where cotton gloves or socks because that will lock in moisture. Wearing glows will also help you to keep away from scratching yourself.

You will need to limit the contact with skin irritants. If you're suffering from eczema, household cleaners, laundry detergents, bubble baths, perfumed soaps, cosmetics and other things can irritate and make your eczema worse. Find out what irritates your skin and avoid those things.

You should wear cotton clothes with a comfortable fit. Wearing synthetic and wool may irritate your skin. Also wash new clothes before you wear them for the first time. While washing your clothes, you should use fragrance free laundry soap and rinse your laundry thoroughly.

Find out about your triggers and avoid them. There may be many allergens present in the air or at your home which may include pollen, dust mites, mould and animal dander. Avoid all of them if they cause irritation in your skin.

Reducing stress is another very important element in creating eczema. If you can lower your stress levels, that will help you to reduce symptoms and flare-ups.


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