Home Disorders Skin Disorder Tips for living with eczema

Tips for living with eczema

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It is possible to live with eczema if you know how you can do that. Let's find out how you can manage eczema.


Bathing and moisturising

Bathing is important because it helps moisture to enter the skin. After every bath if you coat your skin with a moisturiser, it will seal the moisture in the skin. Since natural skin care barrier in case of people suffering from eczema does not work well, so, applying moisturiser is very important for those people. If there is no moisture in your skin, your skin will become dry and rough and it will be very sensitive to irritants. So, if you are suffering from eczema, bathing and moisturising are two very important things for you.

Once you take bath, pat your skin dry and immediately apply moisturiser on it. You should apply moisturiser when your skin is still damp. Apply those moisturisers which are prescribed by your doctor. You may need to apply the moisturiser several times during the day. If you can keep your skin moist, you will be able to keep away itchiness and thereby keep away eczema. It helps because due to itching flares happen and if you can keep away itching, you will be able to manage eczema better. If necessary, you can take frequent baths, which may be to 3 times daily to better manage eczema and flares. But do not forget to use moisturiser immediately after your bath.


If you prefer shower, you can take a shower even when you are suffering from eczema. Just make sure that the water is not too hot. You can use a shower oil or gentle cleanser while showering. Pat dry yourself and avoid rubbing your skin. While your skin is still damp, you should immediately apply moisturiser on your skin.

Anti-inflammatory topical treatments

Your doctor may prescribe topical corticosteroids for treatment of eczema. These products reduce inflammation and itching. Your medicine may be strong or it may be mild. You need to discuss with your doctor before you start using any of these products.  There are effective and safe only if you follow the instruction of your doctor. There are some possible side-effects of the anti-inflammatory topical products, which include thinning of the skin. However such problem occurs only if the medicine is used excessively or for longer duration. That is why, it's very important that you follow your doctor's recommendations exactly.

Your doctor may also prescribe topical immunomodulators. They also help reducing inflammation and itching. They are generally used for shorter duration. It also has the side-effect. You may feel mild to moderate burning sensation and these products are not for use of children.


Topical antibiotics are also prescribed by the doctors for eczema treatment. Their use for secondary infection. Secondary infection sometimes makes eczema treatment very difficult if the infection is caused by bacteria. Localised patches caused by resistant eczema can be cured using topical antibiotic creams or ointments. Mupirocin, fusidic acid are some of the topical antibiotics available.

Combination topical treatments use another set of antibiotics where Fuci din is combined with a mild hydrocortisone. It reduces secondary infection and also reduces inflammation at the same time. Eczema management calls for clearing of infections and it is a very important part of the process.

Oral antibiotics are also available but these are prescribed only in case of severe skin infections. It is more effective in case of secondary infection which is seen on eczema patches. Doctors always prefer oral antibiotics if the infection is extensive, which topical antibiotics may not be able to cure.



1. Eczema
2. Eczema (atopic dermatitis)
3. Eczema