Bench Press and Building Muscle Correctly and Safely
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Doing the bench press is one of the most popular workouts in the gym. While it is effective in building muscles, build strength, power and endurance, it can also be a common source of muscular injuries. The bench press can also be dangerous for someone who do the lift the first time and it is always recommended to start this type of workout with a spotter to help you. To perform the bench press exercise, one assumes a supine position and start lifting a weight upwards. It is an upper body strength training that can be dangerous if you do not know the safety features of using the equipment and you are using a weight that is not appropriate to your level of training and capacity.
Build muscle mass properly and safely by observing these bench press techniques:
Safety comes first use safety pins
Almost all gyms with a bench press have safety hooks or pins. Make sure to use them for your own safety. The power rack comes with safety pins that can keep the barbell in place in case you are unable to manage the weight. It is wise to use this safety feature even with a spotter around to help you in your sets. An accident can happen anytime and you are highly responsible with the precautionary measures that you observe when doing your routine.
Initially measure your hand spacing
It is best to start your exercise without any weight placed on the bar. This is essential if you want to determine the most appropriate hand spacing before lifting weights. This will help you estimate the proper orientation of your forearms and test your grip. You can optimize your power by aligning the forearm vertically close to the bottom of the rep.
Wear gloves or use chalk
Weight lifters who do a bench press have the habit of putting on chalk on their hands. This is done for a good reason. During your workout, your palms will likely become sweaty and you are at the risk of slipping your grip over the bar. The chalk will prevent this from happening. Wearing gloves can also keep the moisture off your palms.
Test the weight that you can handle
You can build muscle if your workout progresses to a higher intensity level. However, this process must be done gradually, beginning of a weight that you are most comfortable and able to handle. The last thing you want to happen is to experience muscular injuries. Doing smaller reps will also warm up your muscles and let it build tension and strength as you progress. Make sure to condition your muscles before lifting heavier weights.
The technique of raising the bar
When raising the bar, make sure to observe the proper body mechanics. Do the lifting gradually and not abruptly, while slowly exhaling through pursed lips. Make sure to keep the feet planted on the floor. This is important in keeping a solid base of power to your torso. If you have the tendency of lifting your feet, you can use weights or plates to keep it on planted on the floor.
Take control of the bar
Focus on controlling the bar, especially when completing the lift and re-racking the bar. Make sure not to simply drop it on the hooks, but place it safely on the rack with a smooth execution. Otherwise, you are putting yourself in danger of causing the bar to bounce off and fall on you. Ask for the assistance of a spotter when you think you are beginning to lose control of the bar.
Do the perfect bench press exercise using unique techniques to feel the major difference. Click here!