How to maximise your muscle building
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If you want to build more muscle there are many scientifically proven ways to grow muscle fast. Such techniques and methods will help you to build more muscle. Letââ¬â¢s find out what you can do to maximise muscle building.

Increase your training volume
Training volume means the number of reps multiplied by the number of sets. It is a primary determiner of hypertrophy or growing muscle. If you want to increase volume, you will have to reduce the weight you are using. You need to use beatings 5275% of your 1 RM, which is the maximum weight you can lift for one rep. Some experts recommend that you perform each of your lifts for 3 to 6 sets of 10 to 20 reps.
Decrease between rest intervals
To build more muscle while performing the same workouts, you will have to decrease between set rest intervals. If you are lifting for hypertrophy, rest periods should be 30 to 90 seconds. Why should you do that? Because rest periods of 30 to 90 seconds and courage a quick release in muscle building hormones. It also helps in more release of testosterone and human growth hormone. When you rest for less time, you fatigue your muscles and that helps in increasing muscle mass. According to the Journal of Applied Physiology, taking your muscle to the fatigue level is a prerequisite for hypertrophy.
Use the eccentric phase
When you are lifting weights, you will get a consensus (hard) and an eccentric (easy) phase. When you lower yourself into a squat, this is an eccentric action and when you return to standing that is a concentric action. If you want hypertrophy or muscle gain, you will have to focus more on eccentric work. But how can you increase the amount of eccentric effort in your workout? You can do so by either slowing down the eccentric phase or integrating eccentric only variations in the routine youââ¬â¢re following at this point of time. One example will help you to understand it better. When you are doing squat, if you do make it eccentric only, you will lower yourself to the floor and end the exercise there. However, you will need to substantially increase the weight you are using.
Add more protein
Like exercises, your diet plays a big role in deciding whether you will build muscle or not. If you to grow more muscle, you will have to eat more protein. When you exercise, the training breaks on your muscles. Protein builds them back up. If you are lifting very hard, you will need more protein for recovery. If you want optimal growth, you will need to eat 0.25 to 0.30 g of protein per kilogram bodyweight per meal. You will need 20 to 24 g of protein at every meal if you are a 175 pound person. The protein can come from different sources including eggs, meat, legumes, Greek yoghurt, protein powder and other good protein sources.
Get more sleep
Proper rest is very much necessary for building muscle and that is why any to get more sleep. Muscle recovery will need the right nutrition but it will also need proper rest. It generally needs eight hours per night for better recovery. When you sleep, your body releases human growth hormone which helps your body to grow muscle and to keep levels of the stress hormone cortisol in limit.
References 1. The Muscle Maximizer
2.Muscle growth and exercise
3.Grow Stronger through Exercise