Natural treatments for erectile dysfunction
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There are different types of treatments available for erectile dysfunction with different success rates. There are many natural treatments also available which will help you to control and improve erectile dysfunction problem.
Panax ginseng
It is also called as a natural Viagra. Many studies have been done on Panax ginseng or red ginseng and its effectiveness in controlling and managing erectile dysfunction. Different scientific studies have use different dosage on different patients and ultimately they found that there were evidences for effectiveness of red ginseng in treating erectile dysfunction. Ginsenosides other element available in ginseng which has a positive impact on erectile dysfunction. These elements work at the cellular level for improving erection and as a result of that you will be able to get a better erection and maintain it for a longer duration. Its actions are more effective in case of people who have high lipids in their blood and with metabolic syndrome. It is an herb also have anti-inflammatory action. This is something which will improve your lung function and improve blood flow as a result of which it will be able to eliminate your erectile dysfunction problem.
Rhodiola rosea
Scientific studies found that Rhodiola rosea may be helpful in treating erectile dysfunction. When it was prescribed to the patients for three months, they experienced essentially improve sexual function. This is an herb that improves energy and reduce fatigue. There are more studies are going on to find out its effectiveness and safety in its used for treating erectile dysfunction problem.
DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is another element which is used in treating erectile dysfunction. It is a natural hormone produced by adrenal glands. Your body converts it to both estrogen and testosterone. It is a dietary supplement and it is generally produced from wild yam and soy. People who suffer from ED often have lower levels of DHEA. If it is supplied from outside for a few months, men taking it will be able to achieve and maintain an erection. It is also possible to use DHEA in treating erectile dysfunction in men with concurrent diabetes. Such men suffer from erectile dysfunction because of hormonal issues and also because of diabetes complications which can interfere with the flow of blood to different organs.
L-arginine is an amino acid and can help you to achieve a successful erection and healthy sexual functioning. This amino acid is naturally present in your body and it helps in making nitric oxide, which is crucial because it can relax blood vessels for a successful erection. People who regularly took this amino acid in supplement form saw significant improvements in sexual function. A recent study found that when L-arginine is combined with pycnogenol, which is a plant product from tree bark, it could restore sexual ability to 80% of participants within two months. After three months about 92% of the participants experienced restored sexual ability. Scientific studies also found that it is a well-tolerated, safe and effective treatment for mild to moderate erectile dysfunction.
Acupuncture can be another treatment option for erectile dysfunction problem. Scientific studies have found that acupuncture can ensure some positive results in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Acupuncture can improve the quality of erections and can also help people by restoring sexual activity. The risk associated with this process is also low.
1. Ed Eliminator
2. Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
3. Erectile Dysfunction