Home Additional Reading The 10 Most Common Pains and Discomforts During Pregnancy

The 10 Most Common Pains and Discomforts During Pregnancy

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When the body is growing another body inside of it, one can expect a fair amount of physical changes to take place, and not all of them will be pleasant. But how do you know whether a reaction is normal, or if it's time to call for help? The best answer is to always speak to a medical professional if you are uncertain. However, it's still helpful to learn which pregnancy pains are considered commonplace too. Don't miss this list of some of the most typical examples.


1. Lower Back Pain

Through your third trimester, it's very probable that you'll experience some form of lower back pain. This is due to your passenger's additional weight as well as the imbalance of your overall posture. To ease these aches, be aware of your spinal alignment, refuse to lift anything, and put your high heels away. And while you're at it, why not get a deep massage or lie down in a comfortable bed for a while?


2. Nausea and Vomiting

Also known as morning sickness, this annoyance is nothing to worry about, and usually disappears around the fourth month of pregnancy. The exact cause of said sickness is currently unknown, but many women settle their tummies with smaller meals, ginger tea, and dry crackers before bed.


3. Fatigue

Often reported during the third trimester, the rise of the steroid hormone called progesterone is known for its sleep-inducing properties. Combine this with a lower blood pressure, unstable sugar levels, and the energy it takes to create another human, and it's no wonder that you're tired! You're pregnant, so ask for help if needs be, and rest when you need to rest.


4. Joint Pain

Between the additional weight, relaxed tendons, and build-up of fluid preparing for the arrival, there is a fair amount of newly developed pressure upon your bones. Your feet, ankles, hands, and wrists may swell, and in the later days, this can really take its toll on your knees. Start by researching the different causes of pain in the knee region, strap on a brace, and change to more cushioned footwear immediately. The pains themselves should pass soon after the birth takes place.


5. Leg Cramps

Along with joint troubles, some painful spasms in the leg area are to be expected, especially during the second and third trimester. This may be a result of your extra weight or compressed blood vessels, but whatever the reason, adding more magnesium and calcium to your diet will only do your body good. You may also want to try stretching before bed and applying a hot water bottle to the aching areas.


6. Heartburn

Thanks to the developing pressure between your womb and stomach, some acid reflux is very common during pregnancy, most notably during the later terms. As always, do not self-medicate and rather look towards home remedies such as apple cider vinegar mixed with warm water. Serve smaller meals, chew well, and avoid lying down directly after you've eaten.


7. Headaches

If you are experiencing head tension during your first trimester, do not worry, as this is probably harmless. Combat the pain by using relaxation and hydration, never medication unless your doctor explicitly grants you permission. If severe headaches continue for a few months into your pregnancy, then get yourself checked out just to be safe.


8. Bladder Issues

As your growing baby starts to squash your bladder and your pelvic floor muscles relax in anticipation, all sorts of bladder annoyances are to be expected. You may need to urinate suddenly, frequently, and find it difficult to empty your bladder completely. Even worse, a simple laugh, sneeze, or cough may spring a leak. Your best bet is to keep up your pelvic floor exercises and slow your water intake during the evening.


9. Constipation and Hemorrhoids

It may not be the most common topic of pregnancy conversations, but the reduced movement of your bowels is very normal. Unfortunately, constipation often leads to the swelling of your veins around the anus (known as hemorrhoids), which can be uncomfortable, itchy, or painful. Eat plenty of fiber, drink loads of water, and if nothing works, discuss your laxative options with a professional.


10. Insomnia

Finally, due to the many unpleasant reasons listed above, you may find yourself struggling to fall asleep. As a rule of pregnancy, all medication should be completely avoided and only considered as a last resort if your doctor says it's ok. Instead, develop a regular sleeping routine, turn off your devices long before bed, read a book, and experiment with meditative techniques. And remember, even if you can't fall asleep, resting is still healthy for your body and your baby.