Probable reasons why you are struggling with fat loss
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If you are trying to lose fat but you not successful, there are some specific reasons why this is not happening for you. Let's find out what may be the reasons in your case and how you can fix them.
You are not eating the right food
Even though you may feel that you are eating the right food which will help you to lose fat, it may be just your idea and may not be true. Your diet plays a very big and important role in fat loss. If you are not losing fat, and you are trying hard, then it's important you take a look at your diet again. What you call healthy eating, is it really healthy?
If you are eating the following foods, probably you are getting wrong advice-
- Low fat foods.
- Low calorie processed foods.
- Substitute sugars.
- Heart healthy vegetable and seed oils.
- Cereal grains & whole grains.
You need to focus on foods that were previously alive and which are minimally process. This is the foundation for the right diet and anything goes beyond that may not help you to lose weight.
You are not moving your body enough
The second important element of losing fat is moving your body. You need to move your body so that you can lose the extra fat and weight. Movement is very important. These days all lifestyles have become more sedentary, which means we sit and remain stationary for most of the time. Previously we were in a world that needed physical movement. Nowadays you can stand one entire day without even moving yourself at all. For ensuring that you are getting enough movement, you will need to have a daily fitness practice and also reduce your general sedentary behaviour. Whether you like it or not, daily exercise in any form that you like will be necessary if you really want to lose weight and fat. There are different types of fitness practices are available and you can choose one according to your liking. If you like running, jogging, bodybuilding, yoga, Tai Chi or any other type of regular exercise, you should find some time to do them every day without missing a single day. If you're not doing that, how can expect to lose weight and fat? You will also need to make some changes to your lifestyle so that you add some movements in your daily life.
You are consuming more sugar and starch
You are struggling to lose fat because you are consuming more sugar and starch then you think you do. Sugar is not evil and neither is starch or carbohydrate. You just need to ensure that you are consuming them at a very low amount. Sometimes, you consume too much starch and sugar without even knowing. There may be lots of hidden sugars in the foods that you eat. It is especially true in case of processed foods because many times you do not know what are the ingredients used in producing that food. Sometimes you don't have the time to look at the ingredient list and sometimes you do not understand them. The obvious sugars are table sugar, doughnuts, soda, cakes, candy etc. On the other hand the hidden sugars may be present in starches, all types of processed foods, fruit juices, milk and grains. For example, starches get converted to sugar in your body and if you are consuming more starches, it means you are also consuming more sugars then you believe you are.
1. The Fat Loss Troubleshoot
2. NIH study finds cutting dietary fat reduces body fat more than cutting carbs
3. Best way to lose weight