Home Living Healthy Aging Well 7 Signs You Are Eating Too Much Protein

7 Signs You Are Eating Too Much Protein

eating too much protein

Proteins are the most all-purpose molecules for the human body. This is because of their vital role in most biological processes.

People eat lots of proteins to bulk up, but consuming too much protein can cause problems for the body.

This article explains seven signs of excess proteins in the body and its effects.

7 Indications That You’re Eating Too Much Protein 

Here are some major warning signs to alert you that you might be packing too much protein into your diet.

  1. Dehydration

Eating excess protein for long periods can eventually lead to dehydration. This occurs because when your body takes in excess protein, your kidney does more work to remove the excess amount. Your body also has to remove the nitrogen waste from the body through the urine. 

  1. Frequent Visits to the Bathroom 

Protein build-up in the kidneys gradually creates a highly acidic environment causing you to take frequent trips to the bathroom. Although side effects start with dehydration, it can lead to kidney stone development which causes severe pain in the abdomen.

The only good news is that this is less likely to happen in plant-based proteins because they have a lasting negative effect on our renal function than animal proteins. They are also important for research and drug discovery, as any protein expression company  would research them for drug discovery. 

  • You’re Constantly in a Mood

If your protein-to-carb ratio is way off normal limits, you will feel down all the time. Carbohydrates are very important for brain function, and they also release serotonin”your body’s “feel good” hormone. Eating too many proteins while neglecting other important nutrients can make you experience more anxiety. Plus, you may experience more negative feelings than normal. 

  1. You’re often Constipated.

High-protein diets are usually low in fiber, especially if your main protein sources are animal products. Fiber is an important catalyst for digestion and this is only found in plant foods. Eating too much protein without a good amount of fiber in your body can cause constipation.

  1. Gradually Gaining Weight 

High-protein diets are often praised for helping people lose weight. However, the long-term effects aren’t as desirable. Eating excess proteins usually leads to low carbs, which cause food cravings. This can easily make you add a few pounds.

  1. Feeling Tired All the Time

Even if you sleep well for long hours every night, eating too much protein can leave your body tired. First, overconsumption puts a strain on your liver, bones, and kidneys, causing them to work overtime. Then the corresponding effect of having lower carbs can make the brain tired and dull.

  1. Having Bad Breath

If you continue excess protein intake, you’ll develop ” “keto breath.” This occurs when you eat too much protein and fat instead of healthy carbs. Your body adjusts to this poor diet and produces ketones that give off an acetone smell.

Bottom Line

Finding a middle ground for macronutrient consumption is the best way to live a healthy life. You should try and eat a balanced diet as often as possible and avoid animal-based proteins if you are an obsessive fan of proteins.

Swapping out animal protein sources for plant versions-like whole grains, can maintain a good protein intake. At the same time, increase your healthy carbs and other important nutrients.