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The important vitamins and minerals for diabetes

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According to scientific research done on the subject, people who have diabetes can get benefited from taking certain vitamin and mineral supplements. It is more crucial for older adults and people who do not eat a balanced diet that include vegetables, fresh and meat. It is also beneficial for people who have abnormal blood glucose or too much weight.

Vitamin D

If you have diabetes, you should regularly take vitamin D. It is necessary because it keeps your bones healthy besides helping in different vital functions. It can control glucose levels in the body. If you suffer from vitamin D deficiency, that can play a big role in insulin resistance. It is more crucial in case of older adults who cannot make vitamin D efficiently from the sun. It is also crucial in case of overweight people who contain excess body fat. Too much body fat prevents vitamin D from getting into the blood.

Vitamin B12

If you take metformin, it is possible that you may have low vitamin B12 levels. This is a vitamin that can lessen the pain of neuropathy which is a very common complications of diabetes. So people suffering from diabetes should take vitamin B12. It is also essential for vegetarians and vegans because they are also at a higher risk for B12 deficiency because this vitamin is mostly found in animal foods and dairy products. In case of older adults, vitamin B12 deficiency can result in memory loss.

Thiamine or vitamin B1

People who suffer from type 1 or type 2 diabetes are more likely to have lower blood levels of thiamine. It is crucial for you diabetic people because the derivative can reduce the pain of diabetic neuropathy.


Magnesium is necessary for all of us but it is crucial for people with type 2 diabetes and in case of older adults. It is also essential for people who follow a very low carb diet. If you're taking magnesium at the right amount, you will have a lower risk of diabetes because this mineral helps your body to break down sugar. If you have low blood levels of magnesium, it can increase insulin resistance which can ultimately result in diabetes.


Iodine is crucial because it helps in metabolism and better thyroid function. If you suffer from iodine deficiency, it can result in weight gain, fatigue and other problems. It is generally available with salt but if you are consuming a low salt diet or if you use sea salt, you may not get enough iodine. In that case, you will need a supplement which will provide you with this mineral. This remember that it is not optional but crucial.


Zinc is another crucial element that you need if you have diabetes. Older adults may not get enough zinc. Diabetes is associated with zinc deficiency. You need a supplement which will provide enough amount of zinc if your diet is not able to provide that to you.

If you want all the important vitamins and minerals daily to fight diabetes on a day-to-day basis, then you need a very good supplement. Try Diabetes Health Pack Nutritional Support for Diabetes and Pre-diabetes. It provides all the necessary multivitamins and mineral necessary for you to provide you daily nutritional support. It contains a comprehensive combination of key vitamins, minerals and other supplements.