Home Living Healthy women's health Steps to create the bikini body

Steps to create the bikini body

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If you want a bikini body for the summers and want to turn more heads, you'll need a great looking bikini body and there are many things that go into making one. Let's find out what can help you to create the best bikini body for yourself.

Find out your goal

First things first. it is very important to find out what is your goal. What does a bikini body mean to you? Do you want a fuller bottom, a more body tone and what size do you want it to be. Once you know about your goals, it'll be easier for you to start working towards it. Also decide the starting point and the time you are going to devote to achieve this goal.

It will also help you if you can visualise your future bikini body. Visualisation has a strong power which will motivate you to keep working towards your goal and achieve bikini body you want. Try to visualise as clearly as possible and as often as you can.

Reduce your calorie intake

Your diet will play a big role in deciding whether you'll be able to achieve the bikini body you want or not. If you want to reduce extra body fat and weight, you will need to reduce calorie intake. A calorie deficit is very important for you. That is why you will need to consume fewer calories than you are burning and that will help you to lose the extra fat and weight. The amount of calorie deficit will depend on your weight, metabolism and how much exercise you are doing or want to do.

Your diet

While reducing the number of calories you consume, you can do so by eliminating sources of fat and carbohydrate. You will need more and more protein to create the muscles and tone your body and so you cannot reduce your protein consumption. On the other hand, carbohydrates and fats that you consume in your diet result in the excess calorie that you consume every day which converts to extra fat and weight.

Reduce the amount of fats and carbohydrates like saturated fats, oils and dressings, white bread, potatoes, pasta and sugar.

Eat more vegetables to create the bikini body. Vegetables are good for you because they are rich sources of good carbohydrates and they will also provide you with many benefits. They pack low calories per gram, lots of vitamins, minerals and fibre. That is why, it is very important to have more vegetables in your diet. By consuming more vegetables, you'll be able to ensure optimum health and at the same time you will also feel fuller. Include more vegetables like broccoli, kale, spinach in your diet. You can also include salary, tomatoes, carrots, mushrooms, asparagus and cucumber.

Increase protein intake

At the same time, increase your protein intake by consuming more protein from good protein sources. Such protein will help you to retain in achieve better body tone while reducing body fat. You can consume some protein powders depending on your diet preferences.


Without exercise, it'll be difficult to achieve your bikini body. Lifting weights will definitely help you to reduce body fat while creating the necessary muscles at the right places. Lifting weights will help you to sculpt your existing muscles and will give you a more toned look. Resistance exercises are the best for you in this case. You can hire a personal trainer to help you to achieve better results faster.

References 1. Bikini Body Workouts
2. Body image
3. Stress and your health