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Self Help for Depression and Anxiety

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anxiety and depression

Do you suffer from anxiety or depression? Perhaps recently you’ve been feeling like everything’s getting on top of you? Or you’ve been feeling overwhelmed with life? Have you been through a traumatic event? If so, you may consider getting professional help. Dr. Amr Beltagui in Rancho Cucamonga is available for psychiatric care. He uses modern psychiatric treatments, including transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), to help his patients heal and thrive.

If you’re experiencing anxiety or depression, you may look into getting counseling or therapy such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). There are also many things that you can do at home to make yourself feel better and improve the quality of your life. This article will give you some self-care ideas.

Meditation or Yoga

To stop stress, anxiety, and depression from becoming too overwhelming and taking over your life, it’s important to create a regular meditation or yoga practice. This can have a significant effect on overall wellbeing.

You may choose to get up early and do an online yoga class followed by meditation. This will help to set you up for the day. You might not think you are a morning person, but with a bit of practice and self-discipline, you can change your habits.

Alternatively, are you able to fit yoga or meditation at a different time of day? How about going to an evening yoga class locally or doing an online bedtime sequence, which will also help you to sleep. There are some great classes on Youtube which you can follow along at home.

Gratitude Practice

Being grateful for what you have in life can help to improve happiness levels and also attracts more good things into your life. Take a moment to think about everything that you are grateful for in your life.

Be grateful for everything in life from having a roof over your head to having friends and family. You may also like to write a list of everything you are grateful for, either in the morning or before you go to bed.

You could also take this practice further by going for a gratitude walk. Spending time in nature is good for you as you get fresh air and exercise at the same time, both of which help ease anxiety and depression. Walk around your local park and think of everything you’re grateful for on the way.

Get Creative

Creative pursuits can be very calming and can even be used as a meditation. Things like coloring, knitting, or sewing are all great.

Just ten to fifteen minutes of coloring a day affect overall wellbeing. For people who find meditation difficult, maybe due to restlessness or a busy mind, coloring is a great alternative. Research has shown that coloring has the same impact on the brain as meditation. It allows you to take time out of your busy life and focus on the present moment.


Singing or listening to uplifting music is also a great way to improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Join a local choir or singing group in your area or sing at home in the shower.

Alternative Therapies

You may also consider getting some alternative treatments, such as acupuncture, Reiki, massage, or hypnosis. Often a combination of talking therapies, medication, self-help, and alternative therapies will help patients to heal from anxiety and depression.


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese technique where the therapist uses thin needles to pierce the skin, improving the flow of chi or energy around the body. Treatments are available, which help the body relax and help eliminate anxiety and depression.


Massage is also good for mental health as it helps the body to relax and soothes any aches and pains. Regular massage treatments can help to lower blood pressure and improve your mood. Research has shown that having massages releases serotonin into the brain, which reduces stress, anxiety, and depression.