How to Stay Fit and Healthy When Earning a Nursing Degree
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Earning a nursing degree is hard, especially when the degree in question is there to help you move up in the nursing career path. Juggling a nursing career with a full-time degree can be almost impossible. You work long hours to start with, never mind the extra workload that will be involved with taking on a degree.
Thankfully with online degrees, you can better manage the two workloads at once, and with the healthy routine outlined below, you will have enough energy to manage both tasks at once:
The Importance of a Healthy Routine
As a nurse or medical student, you should already know full well how important health is. Knowing, however, is entirely different than practicing. Nurses and many other healthcare employees work long hours. Your patient's needs come first, which mean your own could take a step back. You need to prioritize your own health so that you can be on the ball and do well in both your career and your degree.
Supports Your Immune System
Getting sick during this time is simply not an option, so eating foods that are proven to boost the immune system is essential. You should also be up to date on all your vaccinations, but double check to see if you need a booster shot. Getting these boosters before you start your degree can be critical to give you the coverage you need. Patients come in with a wide variety of illnesses, and you want the vaccination to be in effect by the time you start your degree.
Helps Keep You Going
It can be so hard to find time or energy to work after a long day, or even on your days off. With a healthy routine, you will be able to keep going and it will keep you motivated.
Better for Memory Retention
Most of all, eating healthy and exercising regularly is essential because it improves your memory retention. When you are about to earn a degree, you will need all the help you can get with improving your memory.
Essential for Wellbeing
Your wellbeing is just as important as your health, but a healthy body is a
great first step towards safeguarding your wellbeing. Follow up with exercise,
relaxation hobbies, and try to find calming, wholesome activities that make you
feel loved and fulfilled.
How to Stay Fit and Healthy When Earning a Nursing Degree
As a nurse you likely already know what you need to do to stay healthy, but the issue is time management. With these top tips and steps, you will be able to put your knowledge on a healthy lifestyle to practice, even when you are too tired to maintain routine.
1. Find a Great Online Degree
Night school is a thing of the past. There is no reason to find a night school to learn when it means wasting time and money with commuting. Instead, find an online degree. You can apply for a variety of degrees within nursing from and benefit from the freedom of remote education. When it comes to balancing work and education, there is no better way forward.
2. Inform Your Employer and Coworkers
Once you enroll you will want to let your employer and coworkers about your new degree. You will want to do this so that you can ask for extra help or schedule time off in advance. You will want to take a few days off, for example, to study before an exam or to work on projects. Your coworkers in particular should know, especially if you intend to ask for help covering shifts in emergencies.
3. Create a Healthy Morning Routine
Healthy routines are a part of life, but far too often can be hard to keep track of, especially if you work during the nighttime. Whatever times your shifts are, you will want a healthy routine once you wake up that you can repeat again and again. If you have a hard time eating healthy at home, bring friends and family over so that you can spend a day creating a week's worth of meals for you to enjoy.
4. Create a Healthy Nighttime Routine
You need rest to succeed, and being strict with your nighttime routine is how you can improve the quality of your sleep. If that doesn't work, try investing in a better mattress and sheets. When it comes to your night's sleep you need to get as much out of it as possible.
5. Work With Friends and Family to Create Healthy Meals
Splitting your time between the hospital or clinic and your degree can mean even less time dedicated to your friends and family. By making meals together with your partner or parents you can improve your health and spend quality time together. They will understand that you cannot spend as much time with them as before, so it's these little moments that count.
6. Try to Exercise on the Way to Work
Run or bike on your way to work to get exercise in and to help oxygen circulate throughout your brain. You can then use showers at work to clean up before your day at work.
7. Practice Meditative Actions
Try out yoga, or just learn a few on-site meditative techniques to help you stay calm. It can be all too easy to become stressed and burnt out, so you need to care for your wellbeing and practice hobbies or use strategies that calm you down.
Remember to Ask For Help When You Need It
If you feel like you are crashing, ask for help. Your friends and family will be understanding of how much hard work you are putting in, and if you need someone to come over to help you clean or to take care of your plants because you are out working, then ask. Not only is it a great way to take some responsibility off your shoulder, it is also how you can spend time with your loved ones more even with your extra busy schedule. With their help you can qualify for your degree sooner, and more successfully.