Home Living Healthy Diets & Nutrition Avoid Constipation: 7 Foods That Can Cause Constipation

Avoid Constipation: 7 Foods That Can Cause Constipation

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Avoid Constipation: 7 Foods That Can Cause Constipation

Eating is great but having constipation is not. Constipation is a problem where you have less than three bowel movements per week. It comes with symptoms such as bloating, gas, or pain passing bowel movement. According to a study, about 27% of adults experience it. So, to avoid constipation, here are the 7 foods you need to know that can cause constipation.

 1. Unripe Bananas

Because it contains more resistant starch that is harder for the body to digest, unripe bananas cause constipation while ripe bananas relieve constipation.

We likely eat bananas before they even reach their ripeness but in order to avoid constipation, it is best to wait until the bananas are fully ripe.  Eating unripe bananas when you are already dehydrated can make constipation worse.

2.  Alcohol

Alcohol is regularly stated as a likely cause of constipation. This is because drinking large amounts of alcohol can increase the volumes of fluids lost through your urine, further causing dehydration. Dehydration or poor hydration is often associated with an increased risk of having constipation.

3. Processed Grains

Processed grains and their products, like white rice, white bread, or white pasta, can cause constipation because bran (has a fiber which adds bulk to stool and helps it move along) and germ parts of the grain are removed during the processing.

According to studies, a higher fiber intake can lead to a lower risk of constipation. That is why people who have constipation should reduce their intake of processed grains and just replace it with whole grains.

For some people, an extra fiber may worsen constipation although most people benefit from having extra fiber.

4. Fried or Fast Foods

Risk of constipation is probable if you consume large amounts of fried or fast foods because these are likely high in fat and low in fiber. They cause slow digestion and contains a large number of salt that can lower the water content of stool, making it hard to process them through the body.

5. Red Meat

Red meat may worsen constipation because it contains little fiber, and can also indirectly reduce a person's total daily fiber consumption. This is can take the place of high-fiber options in the diet.

Furthermore, red meat contains higher amounts of fat, and high-fat foods take longer for the body to digest so those with constipation may benefit from replacing the red meat in their diet with protein- and fiber-rich alternatives.

6. Gluten-Containing Foods

Some individuals experience constipation when they eat foods that contain gluten such as wheat, rye, and barley but at risk are those who have celiac disease are intolerant to gluten. When someone with this type of condition consumes gluten, their immune system attacks their gut. This may cause them chronic constipation, so avoiding gluten and following a gluten-free diet is essential.

7. Milk and Dairy Products

Dairy products for some people may be a common cause of constipation but those who are particularly at risk are infants, toddlers, and children due to the sensitivity to the proteins found in the cow's milk. Studies show that children with chronic constipation experienced improvements when they stopped taking cow's milk.

Also, take note that those who are lactose intolerant may have diarrhea rather than constipation after dairy intake