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Meditation as a regular practice

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You already know that medication is a very beneficial element for your both mental and physical health. It offers so many different types of benefits that it may baffle you why more and more people on not regularly practicing meditation. Maybe it is because many people find regular meditation practice a tough thing to do. The following tips will help you to see, understand and use meditation as a regular practice for more health benefits.

Make it a ritual

It will be easier for you to use meditation as a regular practice, if you make it a ritual. It means that try to practice at the same time of the day in the same place. That may help you to make it a regular habit. If you practice it with your family that may well become a family time for all of you, which will offer you double benefit. If you like to do it alone, let your family know that this is a special time for you and you do not want to be bothered during this time.

Ensure that the environment is your practicing meditation is quite uncomfortable. You can also make the environment special and aesthetically pleasing. Keep away your mobile phones, tablets and other electronic devices. Some people like to be covered in a light shawl. If you find that, you can use it to provide you with a little more warmth and to get the feeling of turning inwards. The best timings, according to experts, are before breakfast and dinner.

Be patient with yourself

Even if you are not progressing at a rapid pace, do not feel disheartened. If you are not able to control your thoughts and your mind, don’t worry much about it. Be patient with yourself. It takes time. When you practice every day, it will become easier for you and you will be able to control your mind and thoughts. Even though you are thinking that you are not getting anything out of it, you will be surprised how much awareness you can achieve even when it seems that you are not making any progress. Gradually, you will be more aware of your surroundings and things happening in your life. It will also help you by making you less reactive.

If you find it very difficult to sit down and practice meditation, there are other forms of meditation which can be done without sitting down at one place. Try a different form of meditation. There is a walking meditation which can help you to meditate while walking. So, choose the form that provides you with the most benefit and which is the easiest for you. It is not about the form of meditation what about the benefits that you can derive from meditation.

All or nothing

Do not think that it’s all or nothing. If you have missed meditation practice for a few days you should not think that you have lost all and you should give it up. You can practice meditation whenever you get a chance. If somehow for one day or a few days you are not able to practice it, it does not mean that you lagging behind or you have gone backwards. Avoid time anxiety. You can do that by keeping a clock within easy view. If you are using an alarm to tell you that your meditation session is over, use something which is smooth and not jarring as you want to carry over the benefits of the practice into the rest of your day.


1. Meditation Expert
2. Meditation: In Depth
3. Meditation and Psychiatry