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5 Technologies Which are Transforming Hospitals

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Healthcare is one of the fastest moving fields in the world. It is a field which, in order to keep pace with the ever evolving and ever shifting threats to public health, demands constant innovation and inquiry. As with all industries, the computer revolution of the twentieth century has dramatically transformed the way that we approach health care. The innovations that have resulted haven’t just allowed us to develop new treatment options which were unthinkable just a few decades ago, they have allowed us to make the whole experience of being treated in a hospital much more comfortable and, most importantly, much safer for patients.


In this article, we'll take a look at just some of the key technology trends which are currently shaping the future of health care in the United States. Those who are looking for investment opportunities would do well to investigate these technologies, while for the rest of us they are a fascinating insight into the human ingenuity which underpins the most advanced healthcare system in the world.

3D Printing

There have been few consumer technologies in recent memory which seem that they might revolutionize our lives in the way that 3D printing promises to. In the not-too-distant future, the way that we buy products could change. Rather than buying the products, we will buy the blueprints and have them printed on our 3D printers.

Within the realm of health care, we can use 3D printers to produce artificial organs, suitable for transplant, and one day we might even be able to print out life saving medicines in the case of an emergency.

Communications Systems

In order for hospitals to function at maximum efficiency, and to deliver the highest possible standard of care, every department, and every individual within each department, must be able to communicate with one another. Any delays or interferences in hospital communication systems will slow down and impede the vital work being done. Communications systems might not seem exciting, but they are absolutely vital.

Training Simulations

The advances we have made in our virtual reality, and computing more generally, mean that we can now accurately simulate surgery scenarios for trainee surgeons to practice on. This allows them to practice performing surgery as often as they like and without having to worry about patient safety.

Wearable Electronics

Wearable electronics, as well as smart clothing, are technologies which allow for passive, unobtrusive, and constant monitoring of a patient’s vital signs. These technologies could dramatically reduce the number of preventable deaths within hospitals. They have the potential to spot the warning signs of impending heart attacks, strokes, and other serious events.

Big Data Analytics

We live in an increasingly data-driven world. Data is a very powerful tool for understanding the world around us and making predictions about the future. Collecting data passively within hospitals is easier than ever before and modern computing power makes analyzing that data easy, we can therefore begin to learn about connections between variables that we otherwise wouldn’t have spotted.

Technology is constantly changing the ways that we approach the problems we currently face in healthcare. As we gain a deeper understanding of patients and diseases, we are able to expand our arsenal in the fight against disease and illness.