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How to deal with constant worry

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Is worrying getting you down? We're all familiar with feelings of anxiety and worry, but when they start interrupting the day and making it hard to achieve what you want to achieve, it can be difficult to just ˜switch it off'. Sometimes you need to put in place a range of things to help support you into feeling better.


Anxiety and constant worry can also make you constantly agitated leading go constant stress as well as feeling anger all the time. Alleviating your constant worry will not only help you improve your Anxiety but also help you manage your anger too.


So we've brought together a list of 9 things that can help you to combat anxiety. And remember, it's often really important to get support from a professional health carer, so make sure you talk to a doctor about managing your anxiety too.


Write down your worries

Have you stopped to identify what it is you're really worried about? While it might seem counter-intuitive to focus on your worries, it can actually be a great way to clear your mind and combat negative emotions.


Start practicing mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being completely immersed in the present moment. Take time out, sit somewhere quiet, and focus on the hear and now. Acknowledge the worries than enter your mind, then let them drift away and refocus on the moment. Meditation or a nature walk can be a great way to do this too.


Accept uncertainty

Worry often causes you to fixate on things. And often these things are possibilities, or unknowns, that make you feel uncertain about the future. If you can recognise when this is taking over, try to focus on what is actually happening, rather than on what might happen. This is challenging, but if you can master it, it can help reduce your unnecessary worry.


Challenge Worrying Thoughts

As we talked about above, chronic worry can have you worrying about worst-case-scenarios, even if they're really unlikely to happen. Just like accepting uncertainty, it can also be really helpful to challenge those worrying thoughts. Trying looking at these situations from different perspectives. What are you really worried will happen? How likely is that to come true? Confronting it like this can help to alleviate worry before it escalates.


Focus on what you can control

Worry tends to build when you can't control something. It's that feeling of uncertainty again. So when you feel it building, try to redirect your thoughts towards something you can control in that moment. Shift your energy into a new task (maybe a simple household chore, or a new work task). Essentially, anything where you're allowing yourself to make decisions and be in control of the outcome.


Set aside some designated worry time, to stop it from seeping into everything

This might sound strange, but it can be helpful to give yourself time to reflect on particular problems, then move on. If you find yourself worrying outside of the time you've designated, make a point of shifting your thinking something else, or jot it down to think about later.


Look after yourself physically

Exercising and eating a healthy diet can go a long way towards helping you feel better. Exercise releases chemicals in your brain that counteract anxiety and low mood, so do your best to incorporate some form of exercise into each day.

Beyond that, giving your brain the right fuels is really important. Try to eat fresh, nutrient-dense foods to contribute to a healthy mind and body.


Talk to someone else

Bottling things up rarely helps, does it? By sharing your worries with a friend or talking to a professional therapist you can have an opportunity to see your worries and fears from a different perspective, and a chance to come across new solutions too. Professional help can be an invaluable support to managing excessive worry.


Managing worry can be really challenging, and when things feel overwhelming it's not always easy to know where to start. This list is designed to give you some practical things to do. And remember, asking for professional support can be a great way to get back to feeling like yourself again.