Home Living Healthy Fitness & Wellness Tips for a flat stomach

Tips for a flat stomach

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If you want to get a flat stomach, the following tips will help you to achieve that.

Stay away from salt

When you eat foods containing high levels of salt, it will make your stomach bloated and you will look fat and puffy. Crackers, pre-packaged soups, sauces and dressings often contain high levels of salt even though they may not taste salty. If you want a flat stomach, you will need to eliminate a good portion of your salt intake. In place of salt, you can always flavour your food with herbs and spices. If you cannot completely eliminate salt intake, you will at least need to reduce it drastically for a flat stomach.


Even when you are eating a healthy meal and exercising regularly, you may not achieve a flat stomach because of stress. If you are too stressed, it is more likely that you will not be able to achieve your dream of a flat stomach. When you are stressed or anxious, your body will produce extra cortisol hormone, which will encourage your body to store fat. There are different techniques and methods available which can help you to relax and avoid stress. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga are some of the proven and effective methods of relieving stress.

Snack at 3 PM

Researchers found that 3 pm is a weak spot for many people. They become hungry and they will eat anything they can lay their hands on. Many people munch on a pack of chips, a chocolate bar or a muffin. If you are not careful with the snack, it can increase your insulin and blood sugar levels immediately and then suddenly drop it, which will make you tired and lethargic and your hunger will still be there. If you don't eat anything at that point of time, your metabolism may slow down and your blood sugar levels may drop. To ensure that you keep your blood sugar levels stable, you need a snack at 3 pm and you should choose lean proteins and whole-grain carbohydrates for your snacking. You can eat turkey slices, a piece of cheese, nuts etc.

Green tea

If you start drinking green tea it can help you to get a flat stomach. It has an antioxidant known as EGCG. This antioxidant can improve your metabolism and thereby help your body to use the fat. To get the benefits, you will need to drink to 3 cups of green tea every day. You can also drink iced tea made of green tea.

Chewing slowly

If you eat too fast, the possibility is there that you will swallow air. If that happens you will suffer from poor digestion and bloating. If you learn to chew slowly, this problem is will disappear. Enjoy the mouthful and forget about any distractions. When you chew it slowly and properly, transition will be easier. You can reduce your speed by putting down the spoon or the fork you are using and then grab it again only when you have swallowed the previous bite. It will also help you see and feel what you are eating.

Check amount of sugar

The amount of sugar you are consuming every day will decide a lot about the possibility of getting your flat stomach. If you are consuming more normal sugar or hidden sugar through different foods, it will be difficult for you to lose fat and weight and get a flat stomach. Chocolate bars and cookies can contain high amounts of sugar and may derail your efforts to get a flat stomach.

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