Some effective home remedies for thyroid
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Imbalance in thyroid levels triggers different thyroid related diseases. If you are facing thyroid problem, you will notice drastic changes in your weight. You will either gaining a lot of weight or will lose it rapidly. Even thyroid can also lead to diseases such as obesity. There are basically two types of Thyroid- hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
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In hypothyroidism, your metabolism doesn't function properly due to an underactive thyroid gland and hence you keep on putting weight. In hyperthyroidism, your metabolic rate is faster and you start losing weight. Both these conditions are serious and should be take care of medically.
Despite medically treating the problem, here are some easy way outs for tackling it. No matter what type of thyroid you are suffering from, there are several home remedies to treat the disease and these are very effective too. You can get rid of it from the comfort of your home.
Home Remedies
The following are some home remedies:
Lyceum Berry:
The consumption of Lyceum berry or Go-Ji helps you get rid of your thyroid problem. Lyceum berry can be used to balance the abnormal responses of the body.
Marine Phytoplankton:
For keeping your thyroid under control, the marine phytoplankton is considered as one of the best foods. Phytoplankton has lots of nutrients and electrolytes that help you keep your metabolic rate under control. You can also consume sea weeds as they are rich in iodine.
Fruits and vegetables:
These foods are full of anti-oxidants and other beneficial properties. Even if you are healthy, you can keep some fruit items and vegetables on your daily menu. People suffering from thyroid should follow a diet that contains lots of fruits and vegetables. Items like potatoes, cheese, nuts, peas and beans lentils are very good for your daily diet if you are suffering from thyroid problem.
Increase your iodine intake:
Organic intake of iodine works wonders for a thyroid patient. Foods such as asparagus, onion, oats, pineapple, whole rice, tomatoes, watercress cabbage, garlic and strawberries are some of the organic sources of iodine.
Siberian Ginseng:
For thyroid, this one is an effective home remedies. Consuming Siberian Ginseng helps you to nourish the thyroid health.
Black walnuts:
Minerals such as iodine and manganese contained in black walnuts play a huge role in nourishing the thyroid glands and enhancing their functions. You should eat more and more black walnuts to get rid of your thyroid problems.
Cleanse your system:
The best way to cleanse your system is by drinking lots of water and fresh fruit juices along with sufficient rest and sleep. It is a very good home remedy to fight thyroid by cleansing your system from all toxic substances.
Agnus castus:
Consumption of the herb supports the pituitary gland and thereby supporting thyroid health. You can include the herb in your daily diet if you are suffering from thyroid.
Say a no to high-calorie foods:
You should avoid foods such as sweets, biscuits, cakes and others that are rich in calories. Consumption of such foods will only worsen your problem. Reduce your intake of white flour products, fried and greasy foods, flesh foods, and tea and coffee.
Try to avoid stress:
Stress is the cause of many illnesses. So avoid stress as much as possible to lead a healthy life. When you are suffering from thyroid, you should not indulge in any kind of activity that may exhaust and irritate you.
Intake of minerals will do a lot of good if you are suffering from thyroid problems. Increase the intake of minerals such as copper, zinc, calcium and manganese. All these minerals will help improve your metabolic reactions.