How to deal with your menstrual pain
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Every woman suffers from menstrual cramps and sometimes cramps can be really painful. Menstrual cramps are pains in a woman's lower abdomen that occur when her menstrual period begins and may continue for two to three days. The pain may be throbbing or aching and can be dull or sharp. Such pain interferes with normal activities.
Image: Devianart
The following circumstances may cause menstrual cramps in a woman:
1. Starting of the first period at an early age.
2. Heavy menstrual periods.
3. Overweight or obese.
4. Smoking cigarettes or drinking of alcohol.
5. Never been pregnant.
However, crippling cramps, heavy bleeding, serious fatigue and other symptoms affect our quality of life to a great extent. If your pain is severe, consult your doctor, because menstrual pain can be a sign of a serious problem.
When menstruation starts, mild cramping, bloating and irritability are all to be expected. But there is a limit to bear pain. If it becomes unbearable, immediately consult your doctor.
To address the excess contraction and constriction that cause painful periods, try the following tips. The idea is to help regulate blood flow in the lower abdomen, normalize smooth muscle contraction, and reduce cramps. You can try them one at a time and see which approach works best for you, or you can try them all together to achieve maximum effect.
The following are few steps you can take to experience less pain:
Supplement Yourself: Take calcium and magnesium supplements throughout the month, as these nutrients work in concert to aid muscle relaxation. Take the dose in consultation with a doctor.
Try some tea:
Try a cup of raspberry leaf tea each day throughout the month.
Eat more greens:
Dark leafy greens are a dietary source of countless micronutrients. These nutrients are essential for mediating muscle contractions.
Cut down on coffee:
Caffeine is a well-known vasoconstrictor. It makes blood vessels constrict. If you're a diehard coffee drinker, try avoiding it just in the week before your period.
Use a heating pad:
A heating pad or hot water bottle is a simple way to reduce muscle spasms.
Try acupuncture:
Acupuncture can regulate blood flow through the abdominal cavity and relax the nervous system, which can help calm muscular contractions.
Take care of your digestion:
Don't eat heavy and spicy food during your period. Heavy and spicy food may disturb your digestive system. Good digestion helps you get better sleep and steadier mood. An acupuncturist or naturopath can offer you further refinement of natural strategies.
Continuous and painful menstruation can be a sign of a more serious underlying medical issue, such as endometriosis, a uterine infection, or a problem with the uterine anatomy.
You can also try the following natural remedies out:
Have an orgasm, eat bananas, grate a small piece of ginger and boil it in a cup of water for five minutes. Add a little honey and lemon juice to it and drink. Take warm baths and do some yoga.
The following food diets you can try during your menstrual period: Maca Root, Magnesium, Calcium and Fish that contain Omega 3 fatty acids and plenty of good fats.
1. Reclaiming The Sacred Rites Of Menstruation
2. Menstruation