Home Living Healthy Diets & Nutrition How to Stay Fit On The Road

How to Stay Fit On The Road

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Fit Stay

Maintaining a fitness regime is a taxing work in itself and above all doing it while on the road is even more challenging. This is how; We all constantly struggle in balancing a daily workout routine with your job, our personal life and family issues. This becomes especially hard when your job requires you to travel for work. But on the other hand, we confess that we have to keep the job to make a life and that traveling can really be fun. You get to see a lot of different places and your workout program gets sacrificed. Yes, this is what we really get riled up about; the fact that travel puts strain on our fitness and daily routine.


A once steady life gets tossed around completely when we travel and all the reason to keep on the diet and remain motivated to workout goes out the window. But that is not going to be an excuse for lazing around anymore.


Many hotels around the world have realized by now that business travelers of today don’t just have a habit of sitting around and ordering expensive food and drinks for as long as they are visiting. Some hotels also offer rooms that are well equipped with all the modern gym tools and machines for the visitor to use and stay in their routine.


Well, if you’re lucky enough to stay in one of these hotels, in the rarest of occasions, do consider yourself blessed. But it is more likely that you will find a hotel that does not have these “health-fit rooms.”


Since most hotels have a fitness center and spa and many other facilities, it is a fact that those hotel gyms just have a few pieces of semi functional rusty old bicycles that are kept in a converted storage room. Now working out in such a dramatic facility would be really challenging.


Things have changed though. Nowadays, hotel owners have understood the importance of fitness and offer functional gyms that have modern weight training and cardio equipment and some even have at times, a few personal trainers as well as yoga center and spinning classes.


If you are fitness freak, you need to call or check the hotel’s website that you’re going to be staying at and see what kind of fitness facilities are available to the guests. Usually if there’s no gym on the hotel premises, the management may have an arrangement or a tie up with a nearby fitness club,  that may or may not charge a nominal fee depending upon the policies.


But worst case scenario, if your hotel doesn’t have a gym or a health club or if you enjoy workin out on your own without any intrusion of your privacy, thenn there are many ways you

can take your workout anytime, anywhere on the road, to the nearby park or to the field of a neighboring school.


Working Outdoors: If you’re unable to can’t find a hotel with a gym, a nearby park or recreational area might be apt for a nice run or walk. It will get your endorphins going and you’ll

get enough pump for the rest of the day.


Circuit Training In The Room: You do not need ayy equipment to perform circuit, but just your body weight. On the spot marching, or running may be the ideal start. Followed by jumps to touch your ankles and then squats. You can do pushups, sit ups, lunges, dips and crunches. The number of sets and repetitions all depend on your current level of fitness.


Bring A Video: You can make your very own gym in you hotel room by just popping in your favorite fitness or yoga video into the DVD system that most hotels provide these days.


You might also like to try out the travel trainer –  No Time And No Where To Train? The Travel Trainer Gives You 10 Minute Workouts, Meals On The Go, And Members Status Click Here!




