Cancer – Habits That Mistakenly Aren’t Thought Harmful
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Habits That Mistakenly Aren’t Thought Harmful
Different habits can protect us or increase the risk of cancer. In addition to food that is essential and can keep us away from this disease, be careful to habits that you have that can increase the risk of cancer! It is a general rule to eat many more vegetables and fruits and reduce consumption of red meat, fried foods and fast food products, excess sugar, dairy and salt that sickens the body, smoking and alcohol not to mention.
This is the kind of lifestyle information that specialists rely on when they try to correct our habits and to ensure patients are safe from cancer. Moreover, in addition to diet to nourish the body and help it operate at full capacity, we need another ingredient in our lives and that is sport. Any physical activity is good if you have a sedentary lifestyle.
Work issues, couple life, financial difficulties and stress are more properly handled when the body receives its portion of movement, stimulating thus the formation of substances essential to proper functioning.
None of the routine medical tests must be neglected! Performed regularly they can prevent the appearance and evolution of many conditions that can endanger your health.
But what do you do when you manage to follow these basic rules, but there are other habits that you have and can become life threatening? Here are some bad habits that can endanger your health status.
Eating too many low-fat products (“low-fat”, “fat-free”). The products we find in stores and are labeled as low-fat or fat-free are actually very dangerous. To replace fat, refined carbohydrates and sugar is added, a rather simple procedure that can be the cause of fluctuations in insulin levels and inflammation that favors the appearance of pre-cancer. Choose fat rather that such products and be very careful how much you eat and you will not fall into the trap of eating more.
Not enough sleep. A recent study shows that people who tend to sleep less than six hours a night are 50% more likely to develop colon polyps that can transform into colon cancer.
Not brushing your teeth regularly and flossing. If you do not pay attention to your teeth, the risk of cancer increases every day, according to a research conducted more recently. Deposits that remain between your teeth after using the toothbrush and toothpaste can strengthen, infiltrated in gums and may cause inflammation that can spread throughout the body. The study showed that women with gum disease have a 75% higher risk of breast cancer compared with those who do not have these type of problems.
Not sticking to the main meals. You must have a routine when it comes to eating. If the body has no food it becomes stressed, release stress hormones that affect insulin release and thus favoring the inflammatory processes.
Excess intake of dietary supplements, especially vitamin E. Many experts recommend them for daily dietary supplementation, but is not recommended to exaggerate with them. It seems that the problem occurs especially when the normal intake of vitamin E is exceeded. Vitamin E is useful due to its antioxidant properties, but in high doses it can destroy the DNA, leading to cancer. The recommended daily dose is 30 international units (IU), and if you want to supplement your diet with this vitamin, you can eat raw pistachios. 1-2 handfuls of raw pistachios provide the daily dose of vitamin E.