Home Life Style Dietary Supplements Useful In Stressful Periods

Dietary Supplements Useful In Stressful Periods

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Dietary Supplements Useful In Stressful Periods

Health is characterized by physical, mental and social wellness and does not only represent the absence of a disease or infirmity. Human nutrition is one of the fundamental pillars of its construction. Health is in direct correlation with food and diet.

Learning about an appropriate diet, brings with other good behavioral elements, a healthy lifestyle. Regarding the act of feeding is not only important what we eat but how and when we eat.

Food product is a more or less natural product which is able to ensure to the human the energy needed for the biological, intellectual and physical activities and the nutrients needed for the construction of cells and cellular changes. Quality of a food product lies in the source from which it originates and in the way of processing, industrial or home made. Foods that are on the market are natural, semi-synthetic and synthetic.



Human body is maintained healthier, if the diet is more balanced. A diversified diet, individualized (by way of life, sex, exercise, health), composed correctly, in terms of calories and with the optimum quantity of main substances (carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber), can be considered a balanced diet.

Following a poor diet, sooner or later, will appear a number of disorders that will interfere with the human health. Phenomena that are accompanying the diet imbalances are caused by the lack of varied and balanced diet or a harmful food behavior.

Diet is a method of feeding, prevention and treatment, based on the composition of menus that meet the general rules of a healthy diet and the features of the followed purpose.

One of the ways to achieve a physical balance are natural food supplements, which consumed properly, can provide the necessary nutrients needed for the body to have a strong immune system.

The immune system means the entire antibodies present in the living organism. Each of the antibodies have different responsibilities to protect the body from bacteria, viruses, fungi and other harmful substances. The control over the organism is done by two main groups of cells: suppressor cells and maintenance cells.

To activate antibodies, the body must have a sufficient amount of calcium and magnesium. It is therefore advisable to consume frequently cheese with herbs and drink orange juice mixed with berries. Daily movement will support immunity (minimum 30 minutes per day).

Signs of vitamin and mineral deficiency include fatigue, weakness, cramps, nervousness and insomnia.

Diet In Stress

Diet In Stress

Stress represents a adaptation syndrome which appear as a response to the environmental aggressions, is a assembly that includes pressure, coercion, force, strain and tension.

People who are subjected to continuous stress, become overwhelmed for long periods of tension, anger, fear and frustration, leading to installation of a strong chronic anxiety states. As a result of stress, the secretion of adrenaline will be increased, which will increase the blood pressure, the heart rate and respiration rate. A high respiratory rate will hyperoxigenate the blood, with the onset of hyperventilation. This may be the beginning of  panic attacks. Glycaemia  and blood levels of fatty acids are increased in stress and this combination will favor the atherosclerosis process which will lead to the development of coronary heart disease. Immune system functions are less efficient, so the body can no longer effectively fight pathogens and cancer cells. On the mental capacity is observed a reduction in memory and concentration. Sleep disturbances and depression occur, and will appear other mood disorders.

There are two categories of minerals – macro and micro minerals. For a good balance are required large amounts of macrominerals and smaller amounts of microminerals.

  1. Calcium (macromineral) – strengthens the bones and the muscles;
  2. Chromium (micromineral) – inhibits the appetite for sweets;
  3. Iron (macromineral) – prevents anemia;
  4. Magnesium (macr mineral) – reduces menstrual cramps;
  5. Selenium (micromineral) – regulates the immune system and the thyroid activity;
  6. Silicium (micromineral) – maintains hair, nails and skin;
  7. Zinc (macromineral) – adjusts the immune system.
  8. B vitamins – improves nervous system activity and the metabolism.

One of the most popular natural supplements is Spiruline platensis . Alga spiruline has the highest concentration of protein (60%) of all known plant or animal food products. Proteins from spiruline, however, are healthier than meat because this alga does not contain cholesterol. Spiruline contains more iron, antioxidants and vitamins like vitamin A and B12. Spiruline consumption is recommended to improve the welfare of the body for more vitality in stressful times and to help the immune system.

Spiruline Tablets

Spiruline Tablets

Another green alga called  chlorella is a food supplement. It contains almost all substances necessary for a healthy diet containing all essential amino acids, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, many vitamins and minerals. Chlorella is a plant with the highest content of chlorophyll and with a higher protein content than meat or soy. Chlorella can be used to detoxify the body as a natural antibiotic, which is effective against harmful bacteria that are found in the large intestine.

Aloe Vera is a cactus-like plant and this plant is also called “first aid plant” because it has multiple effects on the body. The most important component, aloe vera gel, is found in the leaves of Aloe Vera and helps body in the process of detoxification, normalize the digestive tract and immune system. Used externally, the plant is an antiseptic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and may even stimulate cell regeneration.

Aloe Vera Supplements

Aloe Vera Supplements

It is recommended to have a diet rich in fiber, protein and vitamins. Should be consumed with regularty, fresh vegetables, beans, seeds and fish. Soy products are also indicated for the content of phytoestrogens.