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How to get a bigger butt

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Most people would like to have a perky, firm and round booty. Some people genetically have bigger and better butt, but not all are so lucky. It is possible to create a bigger and better butt with the right strategy.


You will need the right diet for creating a better and bigger booty. You will need enough protein. You need one gram of protein for every pound of bodyweight. Find the protein from some of the good sources of protein including eggs, lean meats, Greek yogurt, fruit and vegetables and protein supplements. To ensure that you are getting enough protein, you will have to eat protein at every meal. Protein will help you to build muscle and tone it.

A big portion of your dietary fat will come from protein sources. You will find healthy fats from salmon, eggs, nuts and such other sources. Healthy fats are important for you because they will keep you stay fuller for a long duration and will also help in fat loss.

If you want to create a better booty, you will also have to take care of refuelling your body post workout. Most of your muscle growth will take place after you complete your workout. It means your body should get enough nutrition and necessary macro and micro elements so that it can fuel the growth and development. You will need another serving of protein along with nutrient-dense carbohydrates. Whole grain bread, brown rice, sweet potatoes, fruits and vegetables are good for you during this time.

Take exercise to the limit

If you want real change, you will have to take exercise to the limit possible. Without drastic changes, you cannot expect drastic changes in your body. Before you start your workout or a new workout routine, you should talk to your doctor and ensure that you are healthy.

Whenever you start your workout, always challenge yourself. Try to improve every day and that will take care of the goal that you have of creating a bigger, better, firm and round booty. All the exercises that you do should be done in proper form. You need to know how to perform the exercise before you begin.

You will have to lift heavier then you are doing right now if you want to build a perky, around butt. When you lift heavier, it will put your muscles under tension and then only they will grow. Lifting heavy will help you to produce enough testosterone which will help you to create the necessary muscles and a more toned back.

Some of the most important workouts that you will need to perform to create the bigger and better booty include the following-

  • Dumbbell sumo squat
  • Dumbbell deadlifts
  • Weighted step up
  • Weighted hip thrusts
  • Walking lunges
  • Kneeling glute kick back
  • Kneeling dumbbell squat
  • Barbell split squat
  • Reverse hip raise

Most of these exercises could be performed without much equipment and space.

The glutes are the largest and most powerful muscle group in your body. For creating the awesome booty, you will need to work on it. If you want to make your booty muscles strong and active you will have to work on them and when they are strong and active, you will have more power for your workouts. Besides creating the nice ass you are looking for, it will also support your hips and spine, improve strength, increase body alignment and create more power for you.


1. The 8 Week Booty Training And Nutrition Plan
3. Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery