Things You Need to Know About Dry Needling Therapy
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In 1979, a Czech physician named Karl Lewit began conducting studies regarding the effects of using dry needles to treat patients experiencing extreme pain. What he found was that the patients he treated with nothing but a dry needle actually showed signs of improvement rapidly.
Over the course of time, the human body will begin to wear out. As you get older, you will start to experience a variety of aches and pains. Luckily, using dry needling treatments is a great way to get some relief. Finding out more about how these treatments can be used and what to expect following this experience is easy when you do your research and visit the website of professionals that offer physical therapy services.
The following are just some of the things you need to know about dry needling therapy.
The Dry Needling Experience
Basically, a dry needle treatment consists of inserting needles into active trigger points in your body. The needles used do not inject any liquid medications into the body, they are simply used to reach nerves under the skin.
People who have experienced injuries to their soft tissue can benefit greatly from the stimulation produced by dry needling. If you are experiencing pain and discomfort due to tight and stressed muscles, allowing a dry needling professional to find and use your trigger points is a must.
The Difference Between Dry Needling and Acupuncture
Most people think that dry needling therapy and acupuncture are the same thing, but this is not the case at all. The difference between these two techniques is quite significant. Acupuncture uses a number of ashi points. The points that are used were laid out in Chinese philosophies years ago and have not been changed since then.
With dry needling, the trigger points used are based on the discomfort a patient is feeling. If a patient has knots in their neck and back, this is where the needles will go. Generally, dry needling will help you get rid of these knots and the pain and discomfort that accompanies them.
The Types of Needles Used
Generally, thin filiform needles are used during the dry needling process. These smaller needles allow the therapist to target tissues that aren't usually palpable. In these sessions, the therapist will wear gloves to protect themselves and their patients. Once the needles are taken out, they are disposed of in a certified medical sharps container.
Why Is This Therapy So Effective
You may be wondering why dry needling has become so popular. The simple answer to this is that dry needling is very effective and provides patients with the pain relief they need. These needles are basically used to jumpstart the body's natural healing process.
Areas where these needles are inserted get an increased amount of blood flow. Chemicals are also released in the body during this therapy, which basically acts as a natural painkiller. While this type of therapy can be a bit uncomfortable at first, you will not be in pain.
In some cases, your muscles may twitch a bit when the small needles are inserted into them. You may also experience a bit of soreness following a dry needling treatment, but this is completely normal and only temporary.
The Right Professional Help is a Must
A key component of having success with dry needling is finding the right professionals to administer them. Doing some research will allow you to figure out which therapist in your area can provide you with the right treatment.