Antioxidants Are Not All Good, Study Shows
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Antioxidants Can Cause the Faster Spread of Malignant Melanoma
The lay press and countless numbers of nutritional products warn of oxygen radicals or oxidative stress and advise taking so-called antioxidants to prevent or remedy sickness. Professor Pietro Ghezzi at the Brighton and Sussex Medical School and Professor Harald Schmidt at the University of Maastricht have analyzed the proof behind this. The result is a transparent warning: don’t take these supplements except a clear deficiency is identified by a general practitioner.
People rely on oxygen to supply energy, but oxygen also has the ability to generate so-called free radicals, which can lead to oxidative stress and disorders. Markers of oxidative stress were correlated with cardiovascular sickness, cancer, diabetes, and other conditions. Due to these associations, antioxidant dietary supplements are taken by thousands of people; nonetheless, none of the antioxidants are validated in randomized clinical trials and have proven any improvement. On the contrary, some of them may bring harm.
That is for the reason that oxygen radicals not only bring sickness but additionally perform many capabilities in the body, like immune defense and hormone synthesis. As a consequence anti-oxidants will intrude with both healthy and sickness-triggering oxygen molecules.
According to Prof. Ghezzi, Oxidative stress could be important in some conditions and only in a small proportion of patients. Prof. Schmidt added further, It can be targeted in a totally different manner, with drugs targeted only at those sources of oxygen molecules that are triggers of disease and leave the healthy ones alone Their results are published in the British Journal of Pharmacology.
Recent study at Sahlgrenska Academy has observed that antioxidants can double the rate of melanoma metastasis in mice. The results give a boost to earlier findings that antioxidants hasten the development of lung cancer. Acccording to Professor Martin Bergö, persons with cancer or a great risk of developing the condition will have to avoid taking dietary dietary supplements that contain antioxidants.
Researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, have proven in January 2014 that antioxidants hastened and aggravated the development of lung cancer. Mice that were given antioxidants developed additional and extra aggressive tumors. Experiments on human lung cancer cells had the same results. Given good proof that free radicals can bring about cancer, the study community had effortlessly assumed that antioxidants, which ruin them, provide protection against the disease. Found in many dietary supplements, antioxidants are widely marketed as a way of stopping cancer. On the grounds that the lung cancer studies called these facts into query, they attracted a exceptional deal of attention.
Double Rate in Cancers
The follow-up studies at Sahlgrenska Academy have reported that antioxidants lead to faster metastasis in malignant melanoma, the most dangerous kind of skin cancer. Science Translational Medicine released the findings on October 7. According to Professor Bergo, But the antioxidant boosted the ability of the tumor cells to metastasize, an even more serious problem because metastasis is the cause of death in the case of melanoma. The primary tumor is not dangerous per se and is usually removed
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Reference: Science Daily
Written By: Dr. Marie Gabrielle Laguna Bedia