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Roxana-Larisa Ciobotaru


Sensitive Teeth

Sensibilitatea dentara se manifesta prin disconfort aparut la unul sau mai multi dinti in momentul expunerii acestora la mancaruri si bauturi calde, reci sau acre. Durerea poate fi intensa, brusca si resimtita adanc la nivelul pulpei dentare.

Cauzele sensibilitatii dentare

Sensibilitatea dentara apare in momentul in care dentina este expusa ca urmare a retragerii gingiilor. Radacina dentara, portiune a dintelui care nu este protejata de smaltul dentar, contine canale de dimensiuni mici care fac legatura cu pulpa dentara.

Alti factori care duc la sensibilitate dentara sunt:
1.Periajul brutal al dintilor si si folosirea unei periute de dinti cu peri duri, fapt care duce in timp la tocirea smaltului dintilor si implicit la expunerea dentinei.
2.Degradarea dentara manifestata la nivelul liniei gingiei.
3.Retragerea gingiilor ca urmare a bolilor parodontale.
4.Afectiuni gingivale (gingivita). Inflamatia gingivala cauzeaza sensibilitate dentara ca urmare a slabirii ligamentelor care sustin dintii.
5.Dinti crapati, fapt care permite patrunderea bacteriilor si a placii bacteriene la nivelul pulpei dentare cauzand inflamatii.
7.Unele produse pentru albirea dintilor sau pasta de dinti pe baza de praf de copt si peroxid.
8.Inaintarea in varsta.
9.Folosirea apei de gura pentru perioade indelungate de timp. Unele produse de acest gen contin acid care distruge dentina si poate ajunge chiar la nivelul pulpei dentare.
10.Mancarurile cu un continut mare de acid precum citrice, rosii, muraturi si ceai.
11.Efectuarea unor inerventii stomatologice de rutina ca detartraj, aplicarea coroanei dentare, restaurarea dentara si curatatea profesionala a dintilor.

Reducerea sensibilitatii dentare

Pasii pentru reducerea sensibiitatii dentare sunt urmatorii:
1.Mentineti o igiena orala corespunzatoare, periind dintii de cel putin doua ori si pe si folosind zilnic ata dentara.
2.Folositi o periuta de dinti cu peri moi si periati zona de langa gingie cu miscari blande.
3.Folositi pasta de dinti pentru tratarea sensibilitatii dentare. Atentie, intrucat exista posibilitatea sa incercati mai multe tipuri de pasta de dinti pana cand veti descoperi produsul compatibil cu nevoile dumneavoastra. De asemenea, in cazul pacientilor care se confrunta cu aparitia sensibilitatii dentare datorita expunerii radacinii, este recomandat sa aplicati putina pasta de dinti la acest nivel nivel, seara online pharmacy inainte de culcare. Mai mult decat atat, in aceste situatii trebuie sa evitati pastele de dinti pentru reducerea tartrului dentar, si sa optati in schimb pentru produsele pe baza de fluor.
4.Evitati mancarurile ce pot agrava gradul de sensibilitate al dintilor.Folositi produse pe baza de fluor.
5.Daca va confruntati cu bruxism, folositi gutiere dentare.
6.Mergeti in mod regulat la medicul stomatolog.

Daca acesti pasi nu ofera rezultatele dorite, medicul stomatolog va efectua una dintre urmatoarele proceudri medicale:
¢bonding dentar pentru acoperirea radacinilor expuse;
¢aplicarea gelurilor pe baza de fluor;
¢aplicarea sigiliilor dentare.



Thrush has a higher incidence among infants, children, adults and people with a weakened immune system, but candida can affect anyone.

Trush Causes And Risk Factors

Normally, Candida albicans is present in small amounts in the mouth, digestive tract and skin of each person. Even so this fungus is kept under control by other bacteria and microorganisms. In the case of certain diseases, stress and drug treatments, this balance is affected, Candida albicans will begin to multiply more than usual, causing thrush.

In other words, the risk factors in terms of thrush are:

  • Certain medical treatments like antibiotics, birth control pills and corticosteroids;
  • Certain diseases such as uncontrolled diabetes, cancer, xerostomia (dry mouth) or pregnancy;
  • Smoking;
  • Dentures.


Tush Symptoms

Thrush usually appears suddenly, but there are situations when it can become chronic, with a longer  period of manifestation. One of the main symptoms of this medical condition is the presence of some white, creamy and painful lesions that bleed during tooth brushing, present on the tongue, inner cheek area, gums and tonsils. In severe cases the lesions may extend on the esophagus, resulting in the following manifestations:

  • Pain
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • The feeling that food remains stuck halfway towards the stomach or contrary in the throat
  • Fever, in which case the infection will spread beyond the esophagus

Due to the high degree of contagiousness, thrush can be transmitted to other parts of the body such as lungs, liver or skin. Most times, however, this occurs in case of people diagnosed with HIV, cancer or depressed immune system.

Your doctor can recognize and diagnose this medical condition by performing a medical examination of the mouth. Thus, if white lesions are present on the tongue, the inside of the cheek or other mouth area, or if they remain red and bleed easily after brushing, the most likely diagnosis will be thrush.

If thrush spreads to the esophagus, it needs more specialized tests such as exudate (a sample of fluid from the neck) or endoscopy for visualizing the surface of the esophagus, stomach or small intestine.



Trush Treatment

In case of healthy trush people can be treated without problems, the symptoms can be more severe and difficult to fight off for those whose immune system is weakened. Thus, treatment of oral candidiasis involves administration of  antifungal drugs pharmacy online for 10-14 days  available as tablets, capsules or liquids. What you must understand, however, is that the form of treatment recommended by your dentist will fold on the needs of each patient. Moreover, considering the fact that in certain situations thrush is a consequence of other more severe diseases and illnesses, your dentist may recommend more extensive tests and visiting other specialty physicians.

Trush Prevention

To prevent thrush you should follow these steps:

  1. Maintain a rigorous hygiene of the mouth, brushing teeth at least 2 times per day using dental floss every day.
  2. Avoid mouthwash or mouth spray.
  3. Visit your dentist regularly.
  4. Limit the amount of sugar and yeast extracted from food. For it must avoid foods such as bread, beer or wine.
  5. Quit smoking.


Preparing For Teeth Whitening In The Dental Office

Preparing for teeth whitening in the dental office implies: performing prophylactic cleaning of teeth, the process by which plaque and leftovers are removed, making a dental examination to determine if the patient is experiencing a high degree of dental decay, cracks and gum disease. In these conditions, teeth whitening can cause tooth or gum sensitivity, taking a shoot of the teeth and establishing their shade, using a teeth shade guide.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening In The Dental Office

Although details of this procedure may vary, most often the dentist will follow the standard steps. This steps do not involve pain or discomfort of any kind, as follows:

  • Your dentist will introduce a cheek retractor to expose the aesthetics of the teeth;
  • A special resin substance will be applied on the gums to prevent irritation;
  • On the surface of teeth, the dentist will apply a solution based on hydrogen peroxide that will be left on for 15-30 minutes. After this period the gel is removed and if needed another layer of gel will be applied which in turn will be left pharmacy online on for another 15-30 minutes;
  • In certain situations, your dental doctor may use a special light source to potentate the bleaching agent effect. During this process, your doctor will check how your teeth respond to treatment;
  • After removing the last layer of gel, your dentist will examine the outcome of the treatment. Teeth can be whitened by 2-3 shades and in the best case, even with 8 shades.

In Depth Teeth Whitening

In depth teeth whitening is a procedure that is done  in several phases, which has the ability to remove stains that are resistant to classical procedure (such as those caused by tetracycline or fluorosis).

Step 1
During the visit to the dentist, he will make a dental impression, in wich base vinyl shells will be created where the bleaching agent will be introduced.

Duration: 30 minutes

Step 2

During the second visit to the dentist, he will prepare the tooth surface so that it reacts better to oxygen. This arises as follows:

  • Outer surface of the teeth will be polished with pumice powder;
  • Your dentist will apply two coats of tooth desensitization agent;
  • Custom made shells are filled with hydrogen peroxide in 9% concentration. The time of action of the whitening agent is about 20 minutes;
  • After this period of time, the gel will be removed from the shells and teeth surfaces;
  • The shells will be refilled with hydrogen peroxide and applied to the teeth;
  • At the end of this period of time, your dentist will apply again two layers of teeth desensitization agent .

Duration: approximately 60 minutes

Step 3

The patient will need to use a home teeth whitening kit for 14 consecutive nights. This kit contains pre-made shells, peroxide-carbamide based gel and desensitizing agent.

Step 4

During the third visit to the dentist, he will perform a standard teeth whitening procedure using the cheek retainer, the gum protection gel and, according to the results of home teeth whitening, hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 9 or 27%.

Duration: Approximately 1 hour

Step 5

For white teeth maintenance  it's necessary to use home whitening kits, during the night, once in every 1-3 months. For people who regularly consume red wine, it is recommended that this procedure be repeated every 14 days.


Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening in the dental office is one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures, currently performed worldwide. Unlike teeth whitening kits for home, that contain substances with a low concentration of bleaching agent, this special procedure made under medical supervision allows the practitioner to apply a bleaching substance with a much higher concentration that is more effective.

Advantages of dental office teeth whitening 

Dental office teeth whitening advantages are :

  • Achievement of the desired results in the shortest period of time;
  • The safest form of teeth whitening;
  • Keep under control gum and tooth sensitivity. This is achieved by using gels with a firm texture that is not easily absorbed in the gingival tissue. Also in the present these products contain agents for desensitization as fluoride and potassium nitrate.
Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Dental office teeth whitening disadvantages

Dental office teeth whitening disadvantages are:

  • The cost of this procedure is higher than home whitening kits;
  • The results can’t be predicted and depend on factors such as age, heredity and the type of stain removed;
  • This procedure is not permanent, which is why dentists recommend using products with a minimum concentration of maintenance bleaching agent.

The best removed stains with the help of dental office teeth whitening

With dental office teeth whitening, the stains that are best removed are organic or yellowing of the teeth caused by:

  1. Aging. As time goes by, teeth acquire a yellow tint, brown, green or gray, due to hereditary factors or dietary habits. Spots with a yellow hue tend to respond better to treatment.
  2. Consumption of certain foods such as coffee, pharmacy online red wine, soda drinks and dark tinted fruits and vegetables.
  3. Smoking.

Stains that can not be removed by teeth whitening in the dental office

Even though teeth whitening in the dental office is considered an effective method, there are some stains that can not be removed by this procedure:

  • Inorganic nature stains;
  • Trauma, which lead to darkening of the dentin;
  • Exposure to tetracycline during tooth formation process;
  • Exposure to an excessive dose of fluoride, which causes fluorosis.

What persons should avoid teeth whitening in the dental office?

Dental office teeth whitening is not recommended in these situations:

Dental and gingival hypersensitivity . To avoid a hypersensitive reaction to high concentrations of peroxide used during this procedure, your dentist will probably recommend using a home whitening kit.

Deep and difficult to remove stains. Some stains in the teeth do not react in a positive way to dental office whitening . In these cases, your doctor will have to follow a teeth whitening treatment with the help of a professional kit on an extended  period of time. Also, as an alternative to teeth whitening you can opt for other cosmetic procedures such as dental bonding, dental crowns or porcelain dental veneers.

Teeth that increased the degree of transparency  with age.

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