What You Should Eat During Pregnancy
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What You Should Eat During Pregnancy
Proper nutrition during pregnancy is important for both the mother and the baby. It is essential what you eat, not how you eat, say nutritionists, who pointed out that excess pounds during pregnancy are harmful. A pregnant woman needs 300 calories more than a normal intake, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy, because the baby is developing more rapidly. Those calories should come from rich nutritious foods, so that they contribute to the baby’s development and not to the mother’s weight gain.
Many women are wondering if during pregnancy is normal to gain weight between 12 and 16 kg, since, at birth, the baby has about a quarter of this weight. Although, the weight gain can vary from one woman to another. Added weight during pregnancy should be distributed, as follows:
- 3.4 kg – average weight of the child;
- 3.17 kg – proteins, fats and other nutrients accumulated during pregnancy;
- 1.8 kg ( L) – more blood;
- 1.8 kg ( L) – fluids;
- 0.906 kg – from breast enlargement;
- 0.906 kg – from uterus enlargement;
- 0.906 kg – amniotic fluid;
- 0.68 kg – the placenta.
The Baby Is What You Eat
When you are pregnant, you should know that what you eat and drink is the main source of food for the baby. In fact, the link between what the baby “eats” and your health is more powerful than you can imagine. Therefore, the first warning released by the doctors comes to dismantle the myth that a glass of wine or beer does not harm the baby during pregnancy. The doctors say that, no amount of alcohol, no matter how small, should be considered safe during pregnancy.
Also, extra food during pregnancy should not be “empty” in calories, but it should provide all those nutrients which are necessary for the baby to grow harmoniously in the utero phase. For example, calcium contributes to the formation and development of bones and teeth, so you intake should be enough for both of you and the baby.
The proportions can vary depending on the type of pregnancy, especially if it is the case twins or triplets.
Nutrition Plan For Pregnant Women
Whether you are pregnant or not, a healthy diet includes proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water in abundance. After a visit to the obstetrician and nutritionist, you will find out what changes will happen in your life during this nine months of pregnancy and which is the diet and lifestyle is apropiate. for you bring into the world a healthy baby. The next step for you is to read the food labels and to interpret the nutritional labels in your favor.
Take as reference point the indication GDA (Guideline Daily Amount for an adult) that should be increased, according to the indications of your nutritionist.
Experts believe that diet can affect your baby’s health even before conception. For example, recent studies have shown that folic acid prevents neural tube disorders in the fetus, including spina bifida, which can occur during early stages of intrauterine life. Although folic acid can be found in many foods, especially in cereals, doctors recommended folic acid supplements, which should be consumed before becoming pregnant and during pregnancy, especially during the first 28 days.
Calcium is another important nutrient. As the baby is growing during intrauterine phase, he will consume more calcium, and for this reason you should increase the intake of this nutrient, in order to avoid large losses of calcium.
Foods that are rich in calcium are milk and milk derivatives. If you not tolerate lactose or milk, you should ask your doctor for dietary supplement which are containing calcium. Lactose intolerance is manifested by diarrhea, bloating or feeling sick after drinking milk. Other foods rich in calcium are sardines or salmon with bones, tofu, broccoli and spinach.
Vegetarian Diet, Not Recommended
Doctors do not recommend vegetarian diets before pregnancy or during the nine months of pregnancy. However, if you are vegetarian, you may continue this diet during pregnancy, but under the supervision of your doctor. In such conditions, it will be hard for you achieve a intake of all nutrients that you need if you do not eat fish, chicken, milk, cheese or eggs, . Most likely you will need protein supplements, vitamin B12 and vitamin D.
The Main Nutrients For Pregnant Woman
- Protein – needed for the development and production of blood cell – lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, beans, peanut butter, tofu;
- Carbohydrates – provides daily needed energy – bread, cereals, rice, potatoes, pasta, fruit, vegetables;
- Calcium – necessary for the formation and growth of bones and teeth, for muscle contractions and nerve function – milk, cheese, yogurt, sardines or salmon with bones, spinach;
- Iron – helps red blood cells and prevents anemia – lean red meat, spinach, whole grains;
- Vitamin A – good for skin, eyes, helps in bone growth – carrots, greens, sweet potatoes;
- Vitamin C – contributes to healthy gums, teeth and helps to absorb iron – citrus, broccoli, tomatoes, fruit juices;
- Vitamin B6 – helps red blood cells, involved in the efficient use of proteins, fats and carbohydrates – pork, bacon, whole grains, bananas;
- Vitamin B12 – contributes to a healthy nervous system – poultry, fish. Vegetarians should take supplements of vitamin B12;
- Vitamin D – helps the absorption of calcium – milk rich in protein, dairy products, cereals, bread;
- Folic acid – is good for blood and protein production and for efficient functioning of enzymes – yellow fruits and vegetables green vegetables, beans, peas, nuts;
- Fat – good for energy storage – meat, dairy products, nuts, peanut butter, margarine, vegetable oils.