Home Living Healthy Dental Hygiene Receding gums and what you can do about it

Receding gums and what you can do about it

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If you suffer from receding gums problem, you gums will pull away from a tooth and will leave its delicate root exposed. This is a serious dental problem because it can also create smaller spaces where plaque can collect and that can result in more recession. If you do not treat it immediately and it can result in bone and tooth loss.


Different things can result in receding gums. They include poor dental hygiene, brushing too hard and ageing.

Natural remedies

There are natural remedies which can help you with your receding gums problem. Many people claim that several natural remedies are effective in treating receding gums. Some of the most popular treatment options are-

  • oil pulling
  • drinking green tea
  • using aloe vera

These natural remedies can help you to improve your oral health. A scientific study done in 2009 found that swishing sesame oil around in the mouth can reduce plaque and gum inflammation. Another study found the potential benefits of green tea in fighting common bacterial causes of gum inflammation. Another scientific study found that when you apply aloe vera gel just under the gums can reduce bacteria and inflammation.

Such natural remedies may be beneficial to your oral health, however, they may not be very effective against the receding gum problem.

Slow down the problem

You can talk to your dentist and find out how far your gums have receded so that you can decide what can be done next. A deep cleaning procedure or scaling and root planning can help you to get rid of the bacteria in the smaller spaces that result from receding gums. In these processes, tartar is scrapped away from your teeth and under your gumline. An ultrasonic device or a hand held scrapper can be used for removing the plaque.

This is the first step in treating receding gums. When the bacteria is removed from the gum, it can slow down the process of receding. You will need to follow good oral hygiene to avoid future build ups of plaque.

You will need to gently brush your teeth twice a day using a soft bristled brush, floss daily before brushing and should have regular dental clinics every six months.


Another option that you have for receding gums problem is surgery. Surgery may be necessary to remove bacteria that's deep under your gums and also to replace missing gum tissue. There are many surgical treatments available such as-

Flap surgery

In this surgery your dentist will make a small incision in your gum tissue to lift it up and remove any plaque hiding their. After removing the bacteria, the gum tissue will be secured in place. It can help you to prevent eventual bone loss.

Gum graft

The surgeon may take gum tissue from another part of your mouth and then place it around the receding area. It will reduce the appearance of receding gums and will also protect your tooth and bone from possible damage.


In this surgery, gum coloured resin is placed over the roots of the affected teeth. It can reduce the appearance of receding gums and at the same time can also protect the sensitive groups of your teeth.

References 1. Steel Bite Protocol
2. Periodontal (Gum) Disease
3. Gum Disease