Everything to Know About CBD
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The cannabis industry is bigger than it has ever been and that's because of a lot of things. First off, there is growing acceptance for marijuana in both the U.S. and Canada. In fact, Canada legalized recreational marijuana just last year. Another reason is that there is more research that supports the medical benefits of marijuana. The cannabis industry is also growing thanks to the emerging CBD industry, but not everybody is introduced to the substance. Just what is CBD?
What Is CBD?
CBD (cannabidiol) is a cannabinoid or cannabis compound found in marijuana and hemp. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD isn't psychoactive. That means consumption of it won't result in getting high. It is, however, filled with numerous properties that make it a great alternative medicine because of its many health benefits.
On its own, CBD has become a thriving industry. There are many manufacturers that extract the compound primarily from hemp but from marijuana as well. Different companies employ different extraction methods but ideally, they want to ensure that the oil they are getting is just pure CBD.
How Is It Used?
What's great about CBD is that it comes in an oil form. This oil can be used to create an assortment of products including vape liquids, creams, crystal dabs, edibles, and so many more. Unlike marijuana and hemp, CBD can be consumed in plenty of ways, which makes it more accessible for people that aren't too fond of smoking.
What Are the Health Benefits?
The health benefits of CBD are many. These include, but are not limited to, its ability to relieve pain and inflammation, treat stress and anxiety, and others. Some studies are currently looking into its potential to prevent certain types of cancer and even cardiovascular issues. More scientists are involved in studying the compound in hopes of uncovering all the secrets that it has. Considering that it has no psychoactive effects and has numerous health benefits, it's apparent that CBD is going to be a breakthrough alternative medicine one day.
Is It Legal?
This is where things get confusing with CBD. Technically, CBD is not marijuana or hemp. It is simply an extract from these plants. Regarding legality, there are no exact laws that prohibit CBD use but some states are warning their citizens about the use of these products. Just to be on the safe side, it would be best for consumers to use CBD products that have a THC concentration of 0.3% or less. This has always been the standard of THC content when it comes to medical marijuana as it does not get people high.
Where Is It Headed?
It's obvious that the CBD industry is only headed up from this point onwards. Aside from scientists and research that's backing up the product, there are also countless companies supporting CBD through a selection of quality items easily accessible to people.
CBD's time to shine is nearing and in the next year or so, analysts are expecting a boom in the industry. When that time comes, we can expect to see more CBD products become readily available to everyone.
Infographic URL:https://loudcloudhealth.com/cbd-statistics-infographic/