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Tips when preparing for joint replacement

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joint replacement

The idea of having major orthopedic surgery is intimidating to say the least. What can be even more intimidating is the notion of having a joint replaced. However, most joint replacement occurs in non-emergency situations and it is possible to be able to prepare yourself for the surgery.  And, even if you were in an accident or other emergency and needed a joint replacement, there are still steps that can be taken to help you recover better and more fully from the surgery.

Finding the right doctor

If living in Melbourne Australia search online for something like knee replacement Melbourne to give you an idea of which doctors operate in the area.  Also speak to friends and family members and ask for recommendations. Sometimes even your local general practitioner will have a good idea of who is known in the area. People who are especially knowledgeable on local orthopedics are the physiotherapists and bio kineticists as they deal with a person post-surgery and will have a good idea of which practitioners to trust. When it comes to joint replacement, reputation is key.

Preparing yourself

Good health and fitness go a long way to helping with both the anesthetic and the recovery process. Before going in for surgery, make sure you work on your cardiovascular fitness and try to prevent excessive weight gain. This might be difficult prior to a knee replacement as struggling with knee pain can be quite debilitating and limiting. Non-impact activities such as swimming and cycling should be considered.

Knee replacement technology

Joint replacement technology has advanced considerably over the last 20 years. The equipment used for the procedures has improved and better methodology exists which reduce peripheral damage to the knee joint area being operated on. The material substances used for the bone replacements are better quality, better composites and have longer lifespans.  Sometimes it puts your mind at ease if you have a better understanding of the procedure you'll be undergoing. Google is a great go-to for some research into the technical aspects. But, avoid negative information and forums that could unnerve you.

Recovery time

Be patient with yourself and know that it will take time to recover fully. But, the degree to which you recover depends on you. If you don't already have a physiotherapist, the surgeon will recommend someone to you. Although, even if you do have someone you have used before and trust, confirm whether they are confident and knowledgeable in the specific procedure you'll be having. Sometimes it is good to use someone that the surgeon recommends as they are often specialists in knee replacement recovery. Commit to your rehabilitation and make every effort to do all the exercises your physio gives you. Find a good tv series to watch and watch a daily episode while doing your rehab. This forces you to do at least 45 mins a day. In the beginning, be extra careful not to overdo the exercises and stick to what is recommended to you by your physiotherapist. You don't want push too hard and cause unnecessary complications.