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What Causes Addiction?

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Addiction is a disease. This means various factors contribute to addiction which is contrary to what many people think.

Addiction doesn't arise from a single factor, rather, it's a combination of risk factors which accelerate addiction. These risk factors include biological factors, drug administration and type, and the surrounding environment.

Whichever the factors leading to addiction, the best way to deal with it is by checking into rehab facilities. You can check drug rehab in NJ, but before then, take an in-depth look at how these risk factors cause addiction.

Biological Factors

Co-occurring mental conditions, DNA and genetic predisposition can increase the chances of addiction. Up to 50 percent of drug addictions rely on genes inherited from previous generations. In fact, a child with addicted parents is 8 times likely to suffer from addiction later in their life.

Mental conditions can also lead to addiction. Some of these mental conditions include post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and attention/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Individuals might fall into the temptation to buy over-the-counter drugs in a bid to medicate themselves.

Gender is another biological factor which can increase the chances of addiction. Some studies show that men are at a higher risk of suffering from addiction than women.

Frequent drug use can change how the brain interprets pleasure. This happens after the substance makes physical changes to the nerve cells thus interfering with the communication system. These may not reverse even after substance withdrawal and can be permanent.

The Surrounding Environment

The surrounding environment plays a major role in addiction. These include peer groups and family beliefs which can cause substance use, which will lead to addiction.

It all starts at home. Studies show that children from neglectful and abusive homes tend to fall into addiction later in life. Alcohol and drug abuse become their sole way of substituting their unhappiness and the void created at home.

In addition, if the children have easy access to alcohol or drugs, they can fall into the temptation of using them which may lead to addiction.

On top of home issues, age plays a massive role in addiction. Some studies indicate that early exposure to drugs can cause severe addiction. This is because the brain is still young and developing. Therefore, it'll get used to the substances making it difficult to function normally without the drug.

Peer pressure poses a major danger to adolescents since they are still naïve and accept any suggestion. The pressure for social acceptance and social likes among peers is one of the reasons why many teenagers turn to drugs. The fear of missing out while trying to fit can lead to addiction.

Stress will lead to substance abuse if not checked. Life presents numerous challenges. Some might seem impossible to overcome and with increasing pressure from various sectors, many people turn to alcohol and drug abuse in a bid to escape from reality. As a result, this habit turns into an addiction.

Drug Administration and Type

The type of drug you take and how it's administration can lead to addiction. For example, heroin or cocaine are highly potent and will cause severe addiction compared to other drugs such as marijuana.

How you use the drug may increase the chances of developing an addiction. Oral drug ingestion tends to be slower compared to smoking or injecting a drug. While the last two methods tend to cause a greater high, the feeling doesn't last as long.


While people living around these factors have a higher chance of falling into addiction, it's not 100 percent guarantee that they will. These risk factors show a likelihood. Anyone can develop an addiction problem since we're different.

In addition, the severity of the addiction will vary from one person to another.