Home Living Healthy Men's Health Things you may during a prostate massage

Things you may during a prostate massage

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If you have heard about the prostatemassage, you may also have some idea about the process. But do you know what you may feel during the process? Let's find out.



When you start exploring your prostate, you may sometimes feel a burning/itching/irritation. Such sensations may be caused by the type of lube you are using. Some of the lubes may interact with the muscles and nerves in the anus and rectum and cause irritation. Especially lubes containing glycerin may cause such irritation or burning sensation. That is why you should check the list of ingredients of your lube. If the lube doesn't have glycerin but you are still feeling a burning sensation, it may be another ingredient in the chosen brand of lube that is causing the problem.

Erection/no erection

During prostate massage, you may get an erection almost instantly when you stimulate your prostate. On the other hand, may stay flaccid throughout the process. Both of these outcomes of fine and it doesn't mean that you're doing something wrong. Just leave your penis alone until you are done with your massage.


Waves of pleasure

During prostate stimulation, you may find waves of pleasure. This pleasure is not specifically focused in your penis. You will feel this pleasure over different parts of your body. It may start with a feeling of warmth in the pelvis or stomach.

Full body/multiple orgasms

Prostate massage is will help you to have full body orgasms or multiple orgasms. When you experience a full body orgasm, the whole body you may begin twitching and shaking. With regular prostate stimulation, you will be able to reach similar levels of pleasure relatively easily. Like women, you will also be able to easily attain multiple orgasms through prostate massage.

Shortness of breath

Sometimes, you may experience shortness of breath or wobbly legs or you may not be able to get up. This is a normal condition. Because of the intense nature of prostatic orgasms, you may experience such feelings. If the orgasms really take over your body, catching your breath between or after orgasms may be a challenge for you. This is truer if you are not the one giving yourself the organism. If you are using a vibrating toy or a partner performing the massage on you, you may experience this feeling more easily.

Intense pressure to ejaculate

During the prostate massage process, you push your prostate closer towards an orgasm and then a sense pressure will begin to build. Because of the stimulation, more blood will flow to the gland and it will begin to swell up with the pressure of the various liquids inside and around it. The pressure will gradually grow and you will feel like you need to release. You will feel desperate to ejaculate. However, you should not and you should resist as long as possible.


After the prostate massage and achieving the orgasms, you will feel drained. You will have a feeling of contentedness and complete relaxation. It may take several hours for you to recover but after that you will feel nice and refreshed.


1. Prostate Massage: What Every Man Needs To Know For Health & Sex
2. The effect of a combination of prostatic massage and antibiotic plus anticongestive drugs on human semen quality and fertility
3. Repetitive prostatic massage therapy for chronic refractory prostatitis: the Philippine experience