Eliminating Bad Habits Through Hypnosis: Is It Equally Effective for Everyone?
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Hypnosis is effective at eliminating a wide variety of bad habitsfrom overeating to nail-biting, and can even boost patients’ self-esteem. As a treatment procedure, it’s endorsed by the American Psychological Association and has helped thousands of people attain deeper, more fulfilling life experiences.
But if it’s so successful at helping people change bad habits, why doesn’t everyone do it?
The short answer is that not everyone can.
The long answer which includes a free hypnosis test to determine if you’re eligible goes a little deeper than that.
Does Your Personality Make You Easy to Hypnotize?
You might think that if you’re an anxious, worried person who is too stressed out to benefit from hypnosis, it won’t work. That, however, is a sign that you might be among the easiest of hypnosis patients.
This is because hypnosis addresses the same parts of the mind responsible for imagination, and anxious people often have very active imaginations. The problem is that an anxious imagination tends to imagine worst-case scenarios instead of calm, relaxed achievement.
Rational, analytical people tend to react differently to hypnosis, and in some cases don’t find it effective at all. Roughly one-third of the population is “hypnosis-resistant”.
However, according to a Stanford University School of Medicine study, there are no hard-and-fast personality traits associated with high- or low-responsiveness to hypnosisit is thought that genetic neural behavior simply makes some people more receptive and others less so.
How Effective is Hypnotherapy?
Admitting that nobody can assure a 100% success rate using hypnotherapy to change bad habits, the next step is comparing its success rate with other alternatives.
For quitting tobacco-use, for example, hypnosis has been found to carry an effectiveness rate of about 50 percenthalf of people who attempt to quit smoking through hypnosis are cigarette-free after six months. On the other hand, the success rate for nicotine-replacement users is 16 percent and the success rate for those who stop cold turkey is 25 percent.
Similar results have been found comparing hypnotherapy for weight loss alongside willpower-driven dieting, exercise and talk therapy. The fact is that even though hypnosis doesn’t work for everyone, it works for more people than most other habit-changing treatment options out there.
How Can I Tell If Hypnosis Is Right For Me?
While psychologists and neuroscientists are still studying the ways that hypnosis affects the brain, you can find out if hypnosis will work on you by enjoying a free hypnosis session. Often, a little bit of backstory and insight into the motives behind the habits you wish to change is enough for a qualified hypnotherapist to determine whether you’re eligible or not.
Keep in mind that with Dr. Steve G. Jones, your hypnotherapy sessions are backed by a 60-day money back guarantee. If, after completing a few sessions, you feel like you’re one of those people for whom hypnotherapy doesn’t produce resultsyou’ll get your money back.