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Keto diet tips

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The following tips will help you to become successful in your effort to successfully adopt a keto diet.

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Stay hydrated

Even though it looks very simple, this is not that simple. Sometimes will become so busy that we forget to keep to ourselves hydrated. You should drink water immediately after waking up and then before noon. It is very important to drink more water in the morning because it fits better with the keto diet recommended foods.

Try intermittent fasting

If you want to get into and continue your keto diet, you should try intermittent fasting. Since your reducing calories and not consuming protein or carbs during your diet, intermittent fasting will help you. Before you do that, he should go low carb for a few days. That will save you from any possible hypoglycaemic problem. Some experts recommend breaking your day into building phase and a cleansing phase.

Regular exercise

When you are on a keto diet to make it more effective, you will need to engage in high intensity exercise. You need such exercises to activate the glucose transport molecule known as GLUT-4 receptor in the liver and muscle tissue. It takes sugar out of the bloodstream and then helps in storing it as liver and muscle glycogen. This is an important step to maintain ketosis, as it will allow people to handle little more carbohydrates in their diets, which can be stored in the muscle and liver tissues.

He needs to focus on large compound exercises which work on multiple muscle groups. Squats, push-ups, deadlifts, pullups, pulldown, standing overhead presses are some of the exercises that you should include in your exercise regime. You also need low intensity exercises and cardio and then combine all of them together to balance your blood sugar and to maintain ketosis.

Add more good salts

We often read that it is good to reduce our sodium intake. That is advised because many people struggle with high sodium/potassium ratio. That happens because we often eat a diet that contains high levels of carbohydrate which causes insulin levels to go up and high insulin levels cause our kidneys to retain sodium, which in turn increases thesodium/potassium ratio.

When you are on a keto diet, you generally have lower insulin levels and so your kidneys can eliminate more sodium. In such a situation, you may have a lowersodium/potassium ratio and so you generally will need more sodium in your diet. You will need additional 3 to 5 g of sodium from natural foods. You can also use pink salt like Himalayan sea salt.

Don't eat too much protein

If you are on a keto diet, you should not eat too much protein. Excessive protein or amino acids in your body will be converted into glucose through a process known as gluconeogenesis. Depending on your exercise intensity and type of exercise, your protein need will vary. You may need higher protein but someone else may be fine waste lower protein levels.

Improve bowel mobility

If you are on a keto diet, constipation may be one of the biggest challenges for you. You will need to avoid it in any way. Because if you have constipation, it will increase your stress hormones and blood sugar and you will not be able to maintain your ketosis. You need to consume fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, coconut water etc. because they help. Extra magnesium supplementation is also beneficial for you. Drinking more water and more pink salts will help you to avoid constipation. A fresh green drink can help you by increasing magnesium, potassium and calcium in your body.



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