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How is exercise linked to better mood?

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We are all told to get enough exercise by our doctors but we rarely consider how much influence exercise has on our moods. After we exercise, we feel amazing. Once our bodies have cooled down from the exercise, we feel calm and relaxed. Here is information on how exercises affect our mood and some of the exercises that you can use to improve your mood.

How Does Exercise Improve Mood?

As we are exercising, our brains release a potent mixture of adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. These are chemicals that all work in unison to help your body keep going. After exercising, your body will continue to make these chemicals. These chemicals will relax your muscles while your brain will be able to release tension and stress.

Exercise as Emotional Therapy

While people who suffer from mood disorders cannot get a complete treatment plan out of exercise, studies do show that regular exercise can help to lessen the effect that depression has on the patient. For some people who have either mild or moderate depression, exercise could help them treat their symptoms instead of having to medicate daily. They would have to maintain a regimen for at least thirty minutes a day.

Different Exercises that Will Improve Your Mood

Engaging in either aerobics or any kind of cardiovascular exercises will release those mood booting chemicals into your body. These are wonderful exercises that will not only reduce the amount of stress but will help you cope with strains of your day. Many people feel a sense of accomplishment after working out and it also gives a boost to your self-conscious.

Yoga is another wonderful exercise to help you improve your mood. Yoga is not just about forcing your body into poses that it is not ready for. Yoga is a way to reconnect with our minds to help our body readjust into the place that it is supposed to be. Many people who have done yoga have started because they wanted to not only improve their mood, but also improve their lives. Yoga has been known to help people relax and let go of the negative feelings that we all too often cling to.

Exercise against Mental Illness

Every time we exercise, we decrease our risk for developing mental illnesses. Studies have shown that people have a greater risk of contracting dementia if they have walked less than a mile than their counterparts that walked two miles a day. Two miles may seem like a lot but, it really isn't. Taking a walk down to the store can burn around a mile each way. You don't have to take that much time out of your daily routine to do it. We already walk around the house or our work. So how many miles are you walking today?

Starting a daily exercise routine doesn't have to be complicated. There are many different things that you can adjust to help meet this small little goal when it helps your health. Starting to walk to the store or picking you children up at school are great ways to start.


Exercise for depression


Exercise for post menopausal depression

One of the most likely causes of depression in women is menopause. When a woman approached menopause, or the cessation of her monthly period, she begins to experience a series of changes in her body and mind. Some symptoms of menopause include hot flashes, mood changes, depression, weight gain etc. To combat menopausal depression, exercise is the best line of action because it is linked to the release of happy hormones in the body. It also keeps women distracted from their troubles and gives them time for themselves. Women also socialize with friends because of exercise and start to improve the way they feel and look.

See also: https://www.doctortipster.com/18540-aerobic-exercise-improves-brain-function-in-adults.html


