Home Life Style How can Internal Cleansing Lead to Outward Perfection

How can Internal Cleansing Lead to Outward Perfection

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 Internal Cleansing

I can't think of a woman who wouldn't want glowing, fresh skin! We all dream about having the perfect, flawless skin that would make everyone fall in love with us. We try a gazillion skin products on our skin and spend tons of money just to get that perfect glow, but, in the end, all we get is nothing.

In all this hassle, if we just stop and think for a minute about all the women of 17th and 18th century who didn't have all these so “ called New and Improved skin products, we would find out what we have been looking for all along. Yes! The secret to a beautiful, healthy skin.And the secret is not another, super awesome skin product, it's a mere treatment of cleansing yourself internally . Yup! JUST THAT.

Healthy Life Style:

You are what you eat and if what you eat forms nothing but the healthiest diet plan, then there is no way you can't have the skin you have always dreamed of. Taking care of your skin by using sun creams and moisturizers is good but it's not enough. You need to consume a healthy diet in order to gain all those important nutrients. Here is a list of some important must “ haves that can help you along the way:

Kiwis, Blueberries and Sweet Potatoes:

Yes! I know your mouth is all watery right now. What if I tell you that these three food items can be your new sunblock? Sounds yummy, right? These and all the other brightly colored foods are rich in vitamins C and E. These two vitamins are the best antioxidants and protect the skin against the deadly UV rays. If you consume vitamin C properly, then your skin is less prone to skin dryness and wrinkling. You should make sure that you consume 2 cups of vegetables and 2.5 cups of fruits DAILY.


Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene, which in turn, is a great friend when it comes to sunburns. Lycopene helps in protecting the skin from tans and burns and also keeps the skin fresh and glowing. Consuming one cup of tomatoes a week would be just the right amount. If I were you, I would consume it with avocado or olive oil so that it becomes easy for the body to absorb the lycopene.


We all know that eggs are rich in proteins and proteins are the body's main source of energy. Proteins not only help with the skin problems, but they also promise you long, shiny hair. So, all the ladies out there, try to eat an egg daily. Eggs are also rich in iron and sulfur; another reason to eat them because these two treat the hair loss and leave hair smooth and shiny.


There are many people who don't like bananas and I can't understand why is that! Bananas are the yummiest thing on this planet and the healthiest one too. Bananas have the nutrients that keep your skin elastic and perfectly in shape. Therefore, make sure you include bananas in your daily routine from now onwards.


