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Heart Pain & Angina Pectoris

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Angina Pectoris

The Pectoris angina or commonly known as angina is a sever pain in the chest area caused by ischemia (the lack of blood supply therefore the lack of oxygen needed by tissues). The angina is the way in which the heart tells you that it does not have enough oxygen for doing what it is asked to do. This happens when the coronary arteries ( the arteries that supply blood to the heart) are obstructed by atherosclerosis. Due to this process on the artery walls fatty deposits precipitate, that will diminish the blood flow.



Another cause of angina is represented by the fact that the effort which the heart is made to sustain is overwhelming, or the oxygen supply to the heart is too small for it to sustain a certain activity in normal conditions. Angina occurs also in other conditions like anemia , aortic valvular disorders, cardiac rhythm disorders or hyper function of the thyroid gland.



The coronary disease is the main cause of death world wide and every year over 1,5 million people suffer from myocardial infarction and one third of those people die from it. Overall the cardiovascular diseases kill more people than all the other diseases combined.

Angina is more often seen at people who have over 30 years and it is more frequent at males, and if we consider the fact that almost one third of over 30 population suffers from arterial hypertension , we can easly imagine how severe is the situation from this point of view.

What is Angina Pectoris?

The medical term of angina pectoris refers to a specific pain situated on the thorax. There are many types of angina , but the classic one is named stable angina. It is determined by a certain difficulty level effort and disappears when resting. If you have stable angina there is no doubt that you can foresee what activities will trigger the pain.



Another type is the unstable angina. It is a more severe type of angina , that can occur even when you aren’t engadget in any physical activity, and can even occur during sleep without any notice before the crisis.

The Pectoris Angina must be interpreted as a sign that shows a severe cardiac disfunction , that generally preceeds an infaction.