Urinary Tract Infection Tips And Symptoms
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Urinary Tract Infection Tips
First and most important you must maintain a high level of hygiene, clean your genital area very well from anterior to posterior (front to back) after you urinate or after the stool (in women cases) . This way you limit the spread of the bacteria from the rectum area to the vagina. Avoid the usage of colored toilet paper (usually contains chemicals) , the bubble bath soaps, the scented soaps , the intravaginal showers, the use of feminine deodorants and the scented wet napkins. Avoid also using very powerful bleach agents when washing your clothes and underwear. Avoid prolonged activities that can aggravate the urinary infection like bicycle rides, horse riding, riding motorcycles and so on.
Drink 6 to 8 large glasses of liquids, preferably water every day. Rose hip juice can be also useful in urinary infections but you must ask your medic first to to so (it can not be consumed combined with certain drugs)
Urinate as many times as you need to to so. Do not refrain yourself for long periods of time.
During the menstrual cycle change your tampons al least two times each day.
If you have an urinary infection here is what you can do:
- Maintain a adequate liquid intake for assuring a good diuresis – at least one or two liters of liquids per day. Tea consumption can be also very useful.
- Urinate as frequent as you can even though you may not feel your bladder is full.
- Avoid aliments that can irritate the bladder like spicy, food. Stay away from alcohol and drinks that may contain caffeine and can worsen your urinary infection
- Follow very precisely what your doctor told you to do and the treatment scheme.
- If the urinary infection symptoms do not diminish or disappear pay another visit to your doctor. Be sure to call your doctor and ask for an appointment if you notice one or more of these following urinary tract infection symptoms:
- Diuresis alters in frequency, quantity, pain or burn sensation when urinating (overall symptoms of urinary infection)
- The urine has dim or unsettled aspect, uncommon smell, or contains blood.
- You are always in need of urinating.
- You have high fever (over 38 degrees C) or experience chills
- You feel pain or discomfort in the lower abdominal region
- You feel pain or discomfort in the lumbar region