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The Symptoms and Causes of Tinnitus

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Causes of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is the term that describes phantom noises that come from inside your body rather than from external sources. It’s often referred to as a “ringing in the ears” but other sounds have been associated with it as well, including:

  • Hissing
  • Grinding
  • Buzzing
  • Humming
  • Whistling

It’s an extremely frustrating condition that affects an estimated 37% of Canadians, and can be diagnosed at any age but is more common among older adults. It’s developed in the inner ear and the brain and remains a mystery to the scientific community. However, we do know that it’s a symptom, not an illness.

The sounds heard in the ear differ among affected individuals in terms of pitch, tone, volume, and level of perception. It can sometimes be heard in one ear and sometimes in the very centre of the head.

It can appear in passing phases or may be continuous, and you can never forget that it’s there. It’s frequently associated with hearing loss. If you experience any loud buzzing, ringing, or unfamiliar noises that can’t be explained be sure to make an appointment for a professional hearing evaluation.

Find an experienced and trusted clinic such as Acousticahearing.com ” they provide free evaluations and have a hearing aid repair centre on-site. They will also assess you for potential tinnitus and find a hearing aid that suits your custom needs.

There is no cure for tinnitus, but there are ways of managing it. Consider what the causes and symptoms are, and how you can cope with this often-debilitating affliction.

What Exactly is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus refers to a phantom noise that doesn’t have an external source. There are two major types of tinnitus: Compensated and Decompensated.


Compensated tinnitus is not overly intrusive. Ideally, individuals can block out the noise and be unaware of it most of the time.


Those who experience decompensated tinnitus are always aware of the sound, and it causes high levels of psychological strain. Insomnia, anxiety, stress, depression, and social isolation are all resulting factors of decompensated tinnitus.

The Causes

There isn’t one simple answer to what causes tinnitus. It may develop in the inner ear because of acoustic trauma, age-related hearing loss, or acute hearing loss.

Researchers believe that specific tones are no longer transmitted to the brain following ear damage. Therefore, the brain attempts to compensate for the unavailable sound by creating them on its own.

It can also be triggered in the middle ear from a defective eardrum and inflammation.

Other cases are due to a malfunction in the brain. These individuals experience tinnitus if the auditory nerve is severed. Potential causes of this malfunction include meningitis or a tumor in the auditory centre of the brain.

Often, the proper hearing aid can augment external volume that can mask the noise produced by tinnitus. With the right device and proper hearing evaluation, you could alleviate the debilitating side effects of tinnitus.

Consult your local hearing aid clinic to find out how you can live your life happily and soundly.