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Problems in skinny guys gaining muscle

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Skinny guys often find it very difficult to build more muscle and gain weight. That is why it is important for skinny guys to change your approach when they’re trying to gain muscle and weight. This is happening because probably you are a hard gainer. If you are a hard gainer, you cannot use the same approach as other people because that will not work for you.

Let’s find out why you are not building muscle fast if you’re skinny.

You do not understand law of progressive overload

If you want to build muscle, you will have to get stronger. If you’re using the same weights for the same number of reps, it will not help your body to gain muscle. If you want to get more muscle, you will have to gain strength. If you’re following a program that doesn’t use consistent strength gains on a regular basis, you will need to change your program. You will need to use the Law of progressive overload and only then you’ll be able to build muscle if you are a skinny guy.

Frequency is not enough

If you’re not gaining muscle, probably you are not training with enough frequency. The more frequently you train a muscle while still recovering and getting stronger, the faster you will grow. But most of the bodybuilding programs lets you train each muscle once a week. That will not help you to get stronger and build muscle. It is possible to find a program that will help you to train the same muscle at least twice every week. That program will help you to gain more muscle if you are a skinny guy.

You are performing too many sets and reps

If you are trying the workouts of pro bodybuilders maybe that is something you’re doing wrong. The total weekly training volume for those people will kill you and will not help you to build muscle. If you drink too many sets and reps like those people, you will never be able to build more muscle. Why would you do so many reps and sets for different body parts? They have their own reasons and the workout program there are doing suits them. However your goal is totally different from them. You need to get lean, hit hard and do a little bit more than you did last time so as to stimulate the muscle growth process. You need to stimulate the muscles for growth you don’t have to kill your muscles. Simply do not copy the workouts of a pro bodybuilder because his goal and your goal are different.

You do not have a proven plan to follow

Even if you’re trying hard and working out regularly, it may not be possible for you to gain more muscle because you do not have a proven plan to follow. If you have yourself created a walkout planned for you, it may not work at all. If you fail to plan, you’ll definitely fail. You cannot simply go into the gym and start doing something that you like. You need a proven system which you can follow that will make regular gains for you and you can also record from workout to workout in your training Journal. Then only can expect to get better results. It is true for the skinny guys and it is also true for other people.

References 1. The Body Transformation Blueprint
2. Healthy Muscles Matter
3. Muscles