Psychological impotence and how to heal it
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Psychological impotence is a real thing and it is more common than you might think. There are many men who suffer from this problem but in many cases they do not even know about it. Doctors often try to cure different causes of impotence but they do not even consider the possibility of impotence in some of the cases.

Psychological impotence
Psychological impotence is also known as psychological erectile dysfunction. It is a difficult problem for any man. Whether you believe it or not it is more common than you think. But the good news is that it is a treatable condition.
Psychological impotence is a condition that results from different psychological factors where a man struggles to get or maintain an erection. Different psychological factors that can cause this problem include stress, depression, low body image, guilt, relationship issues, anxiety, performance anxiety and others surf
Physical impotence may happen naturally because of ageing or medical conditions that can affect blood flow to the genital. Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular issues or pulmonary problems can cause such impotence. On the other hand, psychological impotence is not a condition that you can create easily with a pill. You will need to address the underlying causes at the source to treat psychological impotence.
How do you know it is psychological impotence?
First of all, different possible medical conditions need to be ruled out. If you are suffering from impotence and you do not have any physical medical condition is linked to erectile dysfunction like type 2 diabetes, obesity or heart disease, then it is possible that you are suffering from psychological impotence. Since there are no physical explanations for your problem, it may have resulted from psychological impotence.
The following questions can help you to find out if the erectile problems are caused by psychological factors.
You get morning erections
Men naturally get an erection in the morning after a good night's rest. As you grow older, it can become less frequent. If you're getting it frequently or infrequently, depending on your age, it means that physical mechanism that allows you to get any erection are intact. But even after that if you're having erectile dysfunction problem with your partner, it may be because of psychological factors.
Getting an erection while alone
If you are getting it erect when you are alone, when masturbating, than your body is physically capable of having an erection. It may be a sign that the impotence is caused by some psychological factors.
Treatment options
Whatever the reason may be for your psychological impotence, it is treatable and you have treatment options for it.
Talking to a therapist
Since it's a very sensitive and a private matter, you can talk to a therapist as they will maintain confidentiality. Therapy is a powerful tool that can target the underlying psychological factor which is causing the problem. If any feeling of shame, guilt, anxiety or inadequacy is causing the problem, then it is possible to find solutions for such problems with the help of a good therapist.
Guided imagery
Guided imagery therapy is very effective in treating psychological impotence. It will help you to overcome your mental impotence and have an erection whenever you need it. It is very similar to guided meditation and it's easy to perform.
References 1. Mental Impotence Healer – Erectile Dysfunction Treatment
2.Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
3.Erectile dysfunction