When Things Don’t Go as Planned: 4 Potential Hernia Repair Complications and How to Deal with Them
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Our bodies are made up of spectacular layers of tissue, muscle, and fat – especially the abdomen. When a tissue or an abdominal organ begins to poke through the muscle and/or connective tissue, you have what's known as a hernia. Many of these happen when we put undue strain on ourselves, such as with heavy lifting.
Hernias can be painful, become infected, and can cause other complications if left untreated. However, doing the right thing and getting surgery to correct your hernia can also come with complications. Here are four ways hernia surgery can backfire, and what you can do about it.
- Infection. Of course, the risk of infection isn't exclusive to hernia operations – it's a risk with absolutely every surgery one can get. But just because it applies to any surgery doesn't mean you shouldn't be concerned about your hernia surgery. Surgeries performed on the abdomen can be especially dicey, and your risk is increased if you experienced something called a strangulated hernia.
Any infection needs to be addressed by a doctor. If your infection was caused by mesh that was put into place, you may additionally want to contact hernia mesh lawyers.
- Pain. As we know, hernias can be a painful condition. Yet after surgery, that pain may not go away. A lot of the time, this pain is concentrated in the groin area, and in some cases, the pain can be considered chronic. It can come down to mishandled nerves or again, the mesh that was installed.
In these cases, it is also best to see a doctor. Some specialize in operations and procedures to rectify or manage the pain, so you aren't left solely relying on pain relieving medication.
- Digestive/Intestinal Complications. A wide range of things can go wrong in your abdominal region after surgery. One particularly dangerous fraction of complications concerns intestinal blockages and bowel obstruction. If you suspect either of these is happening with you, see a doctor right away.
One of the most common types of hernias is a hiatal hernia, in which the organ (namely the stomach) or tissue pokes through the diaphragm. A major symptom of this is acid reflux and indigestion. This is not always cured by surgery, so you may need to continue your prescription medication or dietary protocol following an operation.
- Bladder Injury. The mesh that's used in hernia operations is responsible for many of the complications patients experience. While that mesh implant is necessary to support the area that's been affected by weak or damaged tissue, it is a foreign object that can, for instance, damage your bladder.
If you experience urinary tract infections or other urological problems after hernia surgery, a doctor's care is essential. Laparoscopic surgery to repair the damage may be an option for you.
Ultimately, there are a number of factors that can increase your risk of surgical complications. Certain types of hernias, waiting to have the surgery until it's an emergency, and having multiple persistent hernias can impact your chances of suffering complications. Age and obesity are risk factors as well. Speak to your surgeon, know your risk, and ask plenty of questions when mesh implantation is part of your hernia repair.