How To Get Rid Of Unwanted Hair
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It is true that hair provides a certain amount of insulation for the body, but this doesn't mean that it provides you with the perfect look that you are aiming for. In fact, you probably find yourself struggling with unwanted hair on your hands, face, feet, and back. These are only just a few of the problem areas where millions of individuals struggle with unwanted hair. With that being said, you might be surprised that hair growth can be linked to a variety of conditions like unbalanced hormones, irregular menstrual cycle in females, and even certain medications can increase hair growth. Thankfully, there are a variety of different solutions when it comes to eliminating unwanted hair.
Eliminate Facial Hair With Homemade Sugar Lemon Mix
Sugar mixed with water and lemon juice can provide you with a variety of different benefits. For instance, not only can it remove unwanted hair from the facial area, but it can also exfoliate your face while offering a natural bleaching alternative. It is the lemon juice that actually helps lighten the color of your facial hair. In order to begin with this homemade concoction you are going to need 2 tablespoons of sugar, 10 tablespoons of water, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, and a small mixing bowl. To begin making this hair removal remedy you first want to mix the sugar and water in the bowl. After stirring the water and sugar for a few minutes you can go ahead and add the lemon juice.
Once all three ingredients are added stir the mixture until it creates a paste like substance. Once properly mixed you can apply this remedy to the problem areas of your face with your hands and allow it to set there for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing. This process can be repeated two to three times a week for best results.
Exploring Options With Plastic Surgeons
Plastic surgeons can do amazing things these days, and you might even be surprised to learn that they can remove unwanted hair with laser hair removal procedures. Due to its popularity and effectiveness there are now a variety of different laser treatments available. This treatment works by utilizing lasers that generate energy in the form of heat. Once the heat is applied to the affected areas the pigment of the hair absorbs the heat, which in return kills out the follicle.
With all the technology available in today's world there are now lasers that are capable of removing hair from individuals with lighter skin, finer hair, and darker skin. Just make sure you do the proper research before just choosing any plastic surgeon, as you want to make sure you are opting for the most qualified.
Take Advantage Of Banana And Oatmeal Scrub
Bananas are a natural ingredient that can exfoliate the skin and remove unwanted hair from the body when they are mixed with a roughening agent like oatmeal. In fact, the banana will help make the skin soft and smooth, while the oatmeal will act as a cleanser of sorts. To create this remedy just smash one banana in a bowl, add one to two teaspoons of oatmeal, and mix until you have a paste like substance.