Role of grey matter in our brains while measuring our tolerance of risk
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The more the grey matter you have, the better is the decision making and the thought processing of your brain. This is what the latest research at California University says. The presence of good amount of grey matter equips you better with the ability to evaluate rewards and consequences and if it is contributing so much to an intellect of an average individual, it holds a great significance.
Grey matter is the main component of our main nervous framework. It consists of cell bodies, gill cells and capillaries. There is a difference between grey matter and the white matter. The former contains a lot of cell bodies and few axons while the latter is mainly composed of long range axon tracts and contains few cell bodies only.
Cerebral cortex which is the outermost layer of brain is also known as the grey matter plays a big role in memorization, language, mind, alertness, perception, language and instinct. The grey matter contains the major part of the brain's neurons and includes areas that are vital in speaking, right decision making, emotional IQ and control.
Now there is an interesting thing to note. 20% of all our inhaled oxygen goes to the brain and most importantly 95% of that goes specifically to the grey matter. It is said that intense smokers shed grey matter and cognitivity at a higher rate than non smokers. It is important to understand that the potential loss of control and less decision making power occur in people suffering from drug addiction.
The grey substance is evenly present on the surface of the cerebral hemisphere in the brain. The presence is also reported in the cerebrum and the cerebellum area. It undergoes a lot of development during its childhood and adolescence time.
The grey matter serves the function of processing the information in the brain. The information reaches the grey matter in the form of nerve cells and then it is being processed by grey matter.
The grey matter has an important role to play and routes sensory messages to the Central Nervous System and gives a response to the stimulus through chemical synapse. Grey matter framework executes all the important data that starts from the sensory organs or in other grey substance areas
This information is passed through certain nerve cells thereafter forming the major part of cerebrum, cerebella and white substance of spine.
A study reveals that there is a deep connection between our brain structure and our tolerance of risk. After a good brain analysis, it was found that the grey substance of an area is a key indicator of individual attributes of risk.
People who have bigger grey matter volume in this region of the brain show less risk a version. Tolerance of risk could potentially be measured in billions of existing brain scans.
Still a lot of study is required to determine whether any kind of structural changes in the brain can bring any alterations in risk attitude.
The proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2013 paper propounded that people's age may factor affects tolerance of risk. As people age with time, they become more risk averse. Cortex has the tendency to become thinner as we age. There is a high possibility that changes in risk attitude over life span are also a result of thinning of the cortex.
The usual habits and attitudes of an individual are somewhat associated to the brain that is present in the posterior cortex that highlights the presence of an anatomy based biomarker.