Home Family and Pregnancy Birth and Labor Is It A Good Idea To Exercise During Pregnancy?

Is It A Good Idea To Exercise During Pregnancy?

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Exercise During Pregnancy

Exercise During Pregnancy

In most cases, expecting mothers aren’t really aware of whether or not they should be exercising during pregnancy.

It is great idea to exercise during pregnancy, but unlike in normal cases, you need to be careful for yourself and your child too. Therefore, intensity is something you really need to keep in mind. A pregnant mother should not perform the exercises she may perform when she isn't pregnant. A good choice for pregnant moms is prenatal yoga because it is specifically designed for pregnant mothers.

Talk to your doctor on whether or not you should be exercising, the types of exercises you could do and most importantly, your diet.

The following are some reasons why exercise during pregnancy isn't a bad idea:

Swim to reduce discomfort

Swimming is a great exercise for expecting mothers because it provided a feeling of weightlessness while relieving joint pressure. Joint pressure is a common issue during pregnancy because the weight of the baby adds to the pressure applied on the lower joints of the body. Swimming is a great way to reduce swelling by eliminating fluid from the tissues.

Swimming Postures:

During pregnancy, it is important that you watch your posture. Here are some ways to improve posture:

  • Always consider the position of your pelvis and it ensure it tilts forward
  • Avoid sitting on soft recliners & couches
  • Avoid back sleeping as it promotes poor fetal positioning and may inhibit flow of blood thus, causing dizziness

Leg Exercises

There are set of women who have been misinformed that all exercises during pregnancy are harmful and they should not even lift a finger.

Contrary to this popular and age-old belief, exercise strengthens muscles in a woman's body, thus improving labor. Leg exercises are great for eliminating cramps, reducing swelling as well as improving circulation that may be have been slowed down because of your baby bump. Some powerful prenatal leg exercises include:

  • Side Kicks
  • Thigh Twists
  • Kick Back Stretches

Benefits of physical activity

Being physically active involves moving your body during pregnancy and using energy at an intensity that makes you and your baby warm and breathe a bit deeper than usual. Physical activity can:

  • Lower the risk of developing Gestational Diabetes & Pre-eclampsia
  • Help you lose weight
  • Gain more flexibility
  • Reduce physical discomfort
  • Reduce pain during labor and delivery

You could take up walking or swimming and increase your muscle power, lung and heart efficiency and ultimately, keeping yourself stress-free.

The benefits of physical activity during pregnancy are the same as the benefits during regular days.

Studies show that vigorous exercises are safe during pregnancy but it is important to limit yourself to 30 minutes of low-impact exercises daily.

Being moderately active will ensure that your pregnancy is a tolerable phase, your delivery isn't as painful as it may have been without activity and you are able to lose weight post-pregnancy much easier.

Exercise also increases your flexibility and range of motion while ensuring that your joints and ligaments aren't stagnant during pregnancy.

What to Avoid

Exercises that require heavy use of abdominal muscles should not be considered. Some of them include:

  • Jogging
  • Horseback riding
  • Waterskiing
  • Diving or jumping into pools
  • Heavy weight lifting

Diet & Pre-Conceptions

Your food should primarily contain a lot of vitamins, fiber, minerals, protein and folic acid. Counseling and pre-conceptions are extremely important during pregnancy. It makes you more informed about do's and don'ts during pregnancy. Keep moving and keep it safe so that your pregnancy is an awesome experience worth remembering!


