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What You Need to Know About Facelift

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facelift Surgery

Facelift offers an alternative treatment for removing wrinkles and the common signs of aging on the face. It is also known as rhytidectomy that encompasses various ranges of procedures in removing the visible signs of aging such as the following:

  • Wrinkles on the face
  • Sagging skin
  • The formation of deep creases below the eyelids
  • Fats forming on the skin
  • Loss of muscle tone on the face
  • Loose skin caused by fatty deposits along the jaw and chin
  • Appearance of a double chin

A facelift is a restorative procedure that is considered to be the gold standard for rejuvenating the face and can help prevent the signs of the aging process from becoming visible on the face and neck. People are willing to pay for a facelift in order to preserve a youth looking face.

Is a facelift right for you?

A facelift is a cosmetic procedure that can help a person improve their self esteem and confidence. There are people who feel the need of improving their appearance in order to feel and look good. If you feel that your face doesn't show a youthful glow and can significantly affect your energy and deprives you of enjoying a youthful spirit, a facelift may be right for you. There are different reasons why people get a facelift. It includes career and employment reasons, while others want to correct some skin deformities such as facial sagging and wrinkle formation. Talking to your doctor regarding the benefits of getting a facelift will also help you make an informed decision whether the cosmetic procedure is right for you.

Considerations about facelift procedure

While facelift can effectively help improve the appearance of the skin and restore its youthful look, some individuals who underwent a facelift may need to undergo the same procedure again. A facelift is effective in improving several areas of the skin during a single treatment, but depending on the skin type and age of the patient, the response of the skin will usually vary. Among the benefits of getting a facelift is that the effect is long lasting (usually up to ten years) and can make the skin look ten to fifteen years younger.

It is important to keep in mind however that a facelift cannot provide the solution in retarding the aging process. Some people often have the unrealistic goal of getting a facelift in order to erase all signs of aging. You need to complement a facelift procedure with other treatments because there are limitations on what the procedure can do. It cannot fix a sagging eyelid and cannot correct skin discoloration which requires a different treatment approach.

The facelift procedure


facelift procedure

The doctor will prep the patient by explaining the procedure and will perform an evaluation of the skin consistency prior to the surgery. The approach is usually different for every patient because of the unique and distinct facial contour and shape in every person. A facelift procedure requires weeks of preparation. Changes in lifestyle are often required, such as quitting smoking at least a couple of weeks before and after the date of the procedure. Taking aspirin is also contraindicated as it can put the patient at risk for bleeding during the surgery.

Local anesthesia is administered and the patient is often sedated. The facelift technique performed will differ according to the targeted areas on the face. The removal of fats or the addition of fillers is decided according to the circumstances. Facelift procedures on the lower facial areas are performed on the jowls, jaw line and the cheeks while those performed on the midface involves the cheeks and the forehead where incisions are made in order to complete the contouring of the face by repositioning the connective tissue and removing the fatty deposits on the area.

Facelift risks and complications

The risks for a facelift surgery are rare and it remains to be one of the safest cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation. Your doctor will usually discuss the risks and limitations of the procedure and will conduct a thorough assessment about your health condition to determine whether you are a good candidate for a facelift surgery. Among the common risks and complications from a facelift surgery are the following:

  • Infection
  • Allergic reaction
  • Sensation changes
  • Hematoma
  • Abnormal reaction to anesthesia
  • Tissue scarring

The risks can be avoided by preparing the patient prior to the surgery and by strictly following the instructions provided by the cosmetic surgeon before and after the procedure.

How does a facelift surgery costs?

The price involved in undertaking the procedure usually vary. It depends on where and who will perform the facelift surgery. But there is no doubt that the procedure is very expensive and the average cost for a single procedure is $12,000. Insurance companies don't shoulder the costs for a facelift procedure because it is merely elective and not a necessary one. Getting a facelift is a major decision that you have to make because of the price involved, but the effects are long term, usually 10 to 15 years.

Alternative options for a facelift surgery

There are other facelift procedures that are good alternatives. They are cheaper, but may not provide the lasting effects of a surgery for years. This usually involves natural facelift remedies that are also known for their effectiveness. Their great advantage is that the process is non-invasive and eliminates the risks and complications that can possibly occur in a facelift procedure.

Improve your skin condition with this natural facelift solution. Click Here! to learn more how to rejuvenate your skin naturally.