Scientists have recently developed a pioneering new therapy to prevent bacterial skin infections, which could be used in fighting 'superbugs', equivalent to MRSA. The new...
Zika Virus Transmission Tool
A new tool developed by Japan researchers predicts the threat of Zika virus importation and local transmission for 189 countries. The risk...
Gut Bacteria Can Predict Infections
New research done by researchers from the University of Minnesota and Nantes University Hospital in France suggests that the microorganisms...
Certain bacteria in food can multiply significantly as to contaminate individuals if the food is exposed to light.
The bacterium actuates defensive mechanisms when exposed...
Scientists from Melbourne’s Walter and Eliza Hall Institute have discovered how a common parasite hijacks host cells where it lies dormant for a long...
A type of medication for patients with HIV/AIDS, called antiretroviral therapies, or ART, has enabled those afflicted with the disease to live much longer lives....
Tuberculosis enzymes being studied by scientists can pave the way for discovering anti-tuberculosis drugs.
Scientists, mostly from the US Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory,...