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ashley tauriac



Laughter being a good medicine has long been a popular phrase for creating great comic strips and linking together creative stories for years. But does laughter really have any true benefit for health or is this phrase simply a wish? Researchers are starting to find evidence that laughter really may be a great boost for both health and happiness. Recently it was even shown that even a fetus in the womb can smile, so if we are engineered for this capacity, maybe it has some benefits for us that we didn't expect?


Laughter is the best medicine is an old proverb, used in many ways nowadays.


Physiologically, laughter can actually change our bodies it raises our heart rate and blood pressure, which send more oxygen to our brains, muscles, and our organs. Laughter can relax the muscles in the entire body, a process which can actually last for up to 45 minutes afterwards. It also triggers the release of endorphins, chemicals which help you feel good and relieve pain. Overall, laughter basically has the same good effects on our body and our heart that a good workout does and is thought to be protective for our blood vessels and our heart. Laughter even burns calories the same way a workout would. One researcher claimed one minute of laughter was equal to ten minutes on a rowing machine in terms of how it affected the heart. Laughter truly has a much bigger impact on our bodies than we usually give it credit for.

Laughter is much more beneficial than just a simple workout. It is even thought to improve the immune system. It is now suggested through various studies that low stress, optimism, and laughter itself can all promote the immune system and theoretically lead to better ability to fight infections and better health in general. Positive thoughts and laughter decrease the amounts of stress hormones such as cortisol and epinephrine. It also releases neuropeptides and immunoglobulins that decrease stress and put you in a better place to fight immune problems . These types of associations are the thing that limits research in the field of the benefits of laughter. Is it really true that a person who laughs more is healthier or does their general health have something to do with their overall outlook and approach to life rather than the laughter itself? Sadly, it is difficult to tell based on research studies. This continues to be a difficult issue within the study of laughter and will continue to be explored in the coming years.

The Healthy benefits of Humor

The Healthy benefits of Humor

It may be that the main and most important functions of laughter are emotional. Laughter can help build relationships between people. It can help bring in a new perspective in a difficult situation. It can help people not only relax from a stressful place, but also encourage people to have hope and start out in something new. Laughter can also help decrease feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. There is actually talk of a field of medicine now called laughter therapy which would teach people how to view things funny that they would normally take very seriously and to learn how to cope using humor.


Laughter is most effective when shared with others.

Laughter first began to be studied seriously based on self-reports from people about the ability of laughter to ease literal pain from chronic medical conditions. Some feel this is not due to laughter's ability to actually heal, but rather due to the fact that one is distracted from the pain. Either way, if it helps, if laughter is truly able to change us and make things better, does it really matter in what specific way it functions at all? Laughter clearly is a medicine with a lot of power and the coming years will likely show us more about its possibilities and its strengths.


Yogurt has been frequently advertised in the past decade as a great new addition to diet that is important and beneficial for health. Yogurt does contain many very useful nutrients and can be a great help in obtaining vitamins and probiotics, but it should be well-considered for all that it is. Below we discuss some of the potential benefits and negative aspects of yogurt.

Yogurt contains probiotics:

Yogurt actually contain good bacteria or probiotics, that are helpful for aiding digestion in the intestines. Good bacteria is the same type of thing found in probiotics, which actually break down parts of your diet that your body cannot. These good bacteria are typically acquired due to different things in our diet such as yogurts that contain live and active cultures. They can affect how long it takes for food to go through the bowel and are especially helpful after a case of diarrhea or a recent dose of antibiotics . Yogurt is also very high in protein, which can also benefit healthy digestion. Greek yogurts tend to be higher in protein and lower in sugar overall.

For most of the benefits listed above, yogurt has to contain active cultures and probiotics, otherwise it will not help with digestion at all. It is also important to realize that not many studies have been done on the benefits, proper usage, and risks of using probiotics regularly. Also, the mechanism in which probiotics affect the immune system is not well understood at all and may much more complicated than is currently suggested.


Probiotics are thought to help improve motility.

Yogurt contains the same vitamins as milk:

Yogurt is also made from milk and contains many of the same vitamins. It contains things like vitamin D, calcium, B-2, B-12, potassium, and magnesium. Thanks to the calcium and vitamin D, yogurt is very beneficial for preventing osteoporosis. Some types of yogurt do not actually contain any vitamin D, so make sure to check the label carefully if bone health is your goal. This is also a quick and easy way for people who cannot drink milk to get some of the same healthy benefits of milk, since yogurt does not contain lactose and can be easily digested.

Yogurt can affect blood pressure:

Yogurt can be beneficial for reducing the risk of blood pressure. One study showed a decrease for high blood pressure for those consuming low fat dairy 2-3 times a day. However, it is also important to note that some yogurts does have an increased amount of sodium. Sodium can actually put you at risk of increased blood pressure so should be carefully considered in at risk people and those with a daily diet that is already high in salt.

Yogurt decreases risk of UTIs:

In women and young girls, yogurt has been suggested to lower the risk for urinary tract infections in those with diabetes. The use of yogurt regularly is thought to decrease the pH of the urinary tract in diabetic women back to normal and decreasing the risk for infections.

Yogurt is a Low fat snack:

Finally, yogurt is not just great for a snack, it can also be used to substitute for many other ingredients in regular cooking and baking. It can be a great substitute for everything from sour cream, cream cheese, or mayonnaise, to butter. Because of that, it is often touted as an easy way to decrease calories in a dish. However, one thing to keep in mind is that in spite of its benefits, yogurt can be very high in sugar and in fat. Many flavors of yogurt have up to 70% of calories from sugar. These high concentrations of sugar (high glycemic index) can be either artificial sweeteners or natural, but either way can add up quickly. Sugar is tied to higher triglycerides, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes.


Many potential benefits of yogurt

So is yogurt good or bad for you? I think, just like most of the things we eat it has both benefits and negative consequences and if used in moderation can be very beneficial overall.



Benefits of Sunlight

Sunlight is overall a wonderful joy that provides warmth, light, and health for us not only in our lives but also so that we can live and get through the day. Sunlight is the most effective way at getting vitamin D- humans can actually get enough vitamin D synthesized in the skin from sunlight that they do not need to consume any in their diet.  Adequate vitamin D levels are necessary for health, but can also help reduce acne, improve elasticity, and lessen aging effects in the skin. However, as we all know, spending too much time in the sun over the long run can actually be quite detrimental to skin, putting people at risk for sunburns and skin cancer. Prolonged exposure to the sun has also been linked to aging skin including findings such as brown spots, sallowness, drying, and increased wrinkles, so it is important for everyone to have a healthy, yet not damaging amount of sun exposure.



Composition of sunlight

Sunlight is composed of two main types of ultraviolet light, divided by the wavelength. Both can be beneficial in some ways, and harmful in others, and can overall effect skin in very different ways. Ultraviolet A light is basically constant throughout the day. This is the type of light mostly responsible for immediate tans when someone is out in the sun all day long. It is also the main type of light used in sunless tanning.  UVA light is the less damaging of the two, but affects the deeper layer of the skin, or the dermis, which is the more permanent of the two. Thus it is also most responsible for aging of the skin. UV light can damage elastin fibers in the skin by a process known as elastosis, which can cause the skin to sag and stretch over time, leading to wrinkles and dry skin. Normally your skin has enzymes called metalloproteinases which fix damage done by sunlight, but when this damage is done daily and for years, it can still cause long-term problems that cannot be fixed by enzymes. Ultraviolet B is slightly different. UVB light varies in exposure throughout the course of the day. It is most notable from about 10am to 5pm. This is the light that is mostly responsible for sunburns, and tends to be obvious about 6-12 hours after exposure. UVB light tends to affect the top layer of skin or the epidermis. It is typically the type of light noted to be most responsible for skin aging and skin cancer, and thus tends to have more press as “bad light”.


UV light in general is also thought to increase amounts of free radicals in the skin, which can damage cellular function, as well as cause more wrinkles and long-term damage. Again, the body has defenses to help fix some free radical damage, the problems start to occur with long-term exposure. Free radicals and UV light can also cause damage to cellular DNA and RNA, part of the reason why long-term exposure increases the risk of skin cancer .


How to avoid skin damage from the sun

Sunscreen is very important for good skin care when out in the sun, for both fair and dark-skinned complexions. Sunscreens provide protection against both UVA and UVB light. Sunscreen with SPF 15 should be applied at least 20 minutes before going outside for optimal skin care. It's important to re-apply every two hours, and to try to avoid staying outside often from 10-4pm due to high levels of UVB light. It's also important to remember that cloudy days do not totally protect from ultraviolet light, so care must be taken to either cover skin with clothing or sunscreen on cloudy days as well.



In recent years, it has been very common to hear about all the positive cardio-protective effects of drinking wine, even on a daily basis. Wine in small doses can be helpful for reducing the risk of blood clots and reducing overall blood pressure. It is known to slow the effect of aging and decrease the risk of cancer. It has also been suggested to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease in some studies. Many articles have been released encouraging that a glass of wine is healthy to drink daily. However, wine is not all good. In large amounts wine has actually been linked with breast cancer risk, but recent studies indicated that this is increased even with just a glass of wine a day. In addition, wine is similar to other alcohol and can be very addictive and habit forming. In general, addiction is thought of as a very public and obvious problem, but in reality, both addiction and occasional drinking can become an obsession even if they aren't done every day or doesn't lead someone to becoming drunk.



Wine has numerous positive and negative effects.

Definition of an addiction

True addiction or dependence on alcohol has very specific definitions including the following: continued use despite harmful consequences, being unable to stop using a substance, failure to meet obligations at work or home because of it, and tolerance or requiring increasing amounts of a substance to achieve the same affects. These are very specific definitions that Psychologists use to define a true addiction. In spite of the exact descriptions of addiction, however, there are many other habits and factors that are not exactly an addiction, but are harmful to one's life or can predispose people to develop a problem. There is a place between moderation and addiction that people need to be aware of.


The real definition of an alcohol addiction is alcohol causing disruption of life.


How to avoid a problem with drinking wine

Wine drinking can be highly addictive so it is important to treat regular consumption with respect.  Safe drinking is normally considered 5 oz of wine, once a day for women and twice a day for men. Even just a glass a day, though, should be treated with respect. There are multiple clues you can look for in your life or in a friend's life that can help show signs of a growing problem with wine consumption. First, one thing to note is that drinking can start to become a problem when it is regularly being used for self-medicating the problems in one's life. This is a particularly difficult way to define too much alcohol use, because most people tend to drink as a way to unwind and forget about the stresses of life. However, if this is the only way you have to relax, you should likely explore some other options – perhaps things like exercising, taking a warm bath, or listening to music sometimes instead. Second, those with a history of psychological illnesses such as depression, bipolar syndrome, schizophrenia, attention deficit disorder should be very careful with drinking alcohol in general. Each of these illnesses can make identifying a problem more difficult. Third, regularly having trouble sleeping, increased signs of anxiety or depression, or becoming forgetful, disorganized, and confused can be signs of a developing problem and should be discussed with your doctor. These, of course, can be caused by multiple other things but can also be signs of an early dependence. Finally, hiding substance use or money spent on substance use from others can be signs of a growing problem. Anytime or money spent on alcohol should always be shared with others to keep safe. If yourself, or someone you know are showing some of these signs even with occasional wine drinking, it is important to be aware and discuss everything with a doctor.


Soft drinks have been a regular part of diet for decades now, but only recently have people been researching and trying to determine if these are actually safe for regular consumption. We will examine some of the bad side effects of soft drinks and let you decide for yourself.

 Soft Drinks

Soft drinks contain a large amount of sugar


Soft drinks contain an excessive amount of sugar

The caloric count of sodas is enough to cause a problem for some. Because the drinks are often consumed twice a day and do not contribute to stopping hunger or decreasing appetite, they are usually consumed as excess calories. Consuming these extra calories in just one soda a day for a single year can contribute to up to 15 pounds of weight gain. In addition, sugar is found in very high concentrations in soft drinks. Just one soda a day is equivalent to 25 pounds of sugar per year. Not surprisingly, this can lead to weight gain even in diet sodas because any excess glucose is converted in the body to fat and even diet sodas contain a very large amount of sugar. One study found that cocktails made with diet free soft drinks actually make people drunker faster. The sugar-free drinks actually allow the alcohol to enter your bloodstream faster. The high levels of sugar change the way your body breaks down sugar and can cause metabolic syndrome– a collection of symptoms that can put one at higher risk for developing type II diabetes. One study in 2002 found that excessive levels of sugar can actually decrease the amount of brain derived neurotrophic factor which helps produce new memories, so soft drinks could even make it harder for you to learn. Soft drinks are also very damaging to teeth. The high levels of sugar contribute to cavities. In addition, soda is very acidic with a level as low as 3.2. Low pH level can weaken the enamel of teeth and make cavities more likely to develop.

 Soft Drinks

As soft drink sizes get larger, their negative impact on health grows as we



Soft drinks contain many ingredients that are not beneficial for health

Both diet and regular sodas also contain phosphates which helps them stay fresh longer. Phosphates are actually found in many processed foods, but recent studies have suggested that they may actually cause problems such as osteoporosis and aging.

Caffeine in sodas has its own negative effects. Caffeine can increase stomach acid production, leading to stomach discomfort. Carbonation in drinks can also irritate the digestive system and cause poor transit, leading to gas and stomach upset. Caffeine can also make people more alert and awake, which can be beneficial, but in some cases can make it difficult for people to get to sleep, even hours after consumption. Soft drinks are also dehydrating due to their concentrations of caffeine and sugar. In addition, the time that people spend drinking soft drinks they are not drinking from other more hydrating drinks such as water or milk.

There are many specific ingredients found in soft drinks that have negative consequences. There are also multiple studies that suggest that high soft drink consumption is associated with certain findings that do not yet have a clear pathophysiology. Some evidence suggests that sodas may be linked with kidney stones and kidney disease, though this exact reason this occurs is not well understood. One study showed that two or more diet sodas a day was associated with a 30% drop in renal function and in other places linked to proteinuria, an early sign of kidney dysfunction.


Soft drinks are associated with kidney damage but how this occurs is not clear.


Soft drinks contain no healthy ingredients

The most disappointing thing about soft drinks is that other than the awakening effects of caffeine, there is no nutritional benefit to soda. Whereas other drinks like coffee, teas, or milk have nutritional positives and negatives, soft drinks contain no vitamins, minerals, or health-promoting factors. In general, the recommendations remain to try to consume soft drinks only sparingly because of all these things.


There are many foods that are actually considered very healthy for you, and could in some ways be considered superfoods because they have been shown in various studies to promote long lives. Below we have listed some of these amazing foods and how they help promote health.


Clearly the old adage an apple a day keeps the doctor away has been well touted for years. Apples truly are good for your health- they are known for reducing bad cholesterol- LDL, and increasing good cholesterol- HDL. Apples are high in antioxidants such as querectin, which is found in high amounts in the apple skin, and can help remove toxins from the blood. They are also high in fiber, helping to promote regular bowel habits.

Apples and berries

Apples and berries contain many vitamins and nutrients for a long healthy life.



There are several types of berries that are great for promoting health. Blueberries in particular are high in antioxidants as well as pack a high dose of vitamin B, C, and E into just a small serving. They also promote brain health and are high in copper, selenium, zinc, and iron. Acai berries are great for promoting weight loss, improving circulation, and protecting cells from damage.



Chocolate is normally thought of as a guilty pleasure and the unhealthiest thing in our diets. However, most of these warnings come from the high doses of sugar, ice creams, and caramels we combine with chocolate and not chocolate itself. In fact, the cacao found in dark chocolate has actually been associated with reduced blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and risk of heart disease. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants which help resist damage of free radicals that are formed in the body. Even the fat found in dark chocolate can help reduce cholesterol levels so when eaten in moderation can be beneficial overall for health.



Eggs are very good for you in several ways. Eggs can help prevent the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration, which both affect your eyes. Eggs are even thought to help protect memory. In addition, eggs contain protein, which can be vital for reducing hunger and giving healthy calories.



Nuts tend to have a high concentration of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. This type of fatty acid can help dissolve blood clots and reduce the risk of heart disease. They can also help reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol levels. Walnuts also include twice the amount of antioxidants as peanuts and almonds, though both also have significant levels themselves. Pecans in particular are high in vitamin E that helps reduce cholesterol.


Oats and Nuts are vital for healthy eating



Oats are whole grains and can be found in things like oatmeal. Oatmeal contains Vitamin B and E. High quantities of fiber are beneficial for bowel regularity and decreasing total cholesterol. In addition, whole grains have a low glycemic index which can help prevent diabetes.


Olive Oil

Olive Oil is known to be associated with a heart-healthy diet. Olive oil can be preventative against stroke. It has antioxidants and is easy to use as a part of regular cooking instead of other oils which can be more destructive to blood vessels.

Red Wine

Red Wine and Olive Oil can be great additions to a healthy diet


Red Wine

Resveratrol is a polyphenol is a compound found in red wine, and is known to have an effect on slowing aging, decreasing risk of cancers, and decreasing inflammation in the body. Resveratrol can also reduce blood clots similar to the action of aspirin. Red wine has also been seen in recent studies to reduce blood pressure. Wine can be safely consumed regularly but not in large quantities, and its use must be approached carefully. No more then 4-8 ounces of red wine daily is cardio-protective, but even daily use should be closely monitored because it is highly addictive.



Fish has been advertised in the past few years as being heart-healthy. Salmon, especially, is high in omega-3 fatty acids which can reduce blood pressure, block clot formation, and prevent plaques in arterial walls. They have also been suggested to decrease risk of dementia. One or two servings of fish a week have been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease by 30%.



Spinach is a very important vegetable that contains many important health boosters. It is high in antioxidants, and a great source of vitamins A, C, and Folate (B9). Because of this, it fights cancer, heart disease, and mental disorders. Folate in particular can help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.


Influenza is a common problem every winter. Here we discuss common misconceptions about the infection, the vaccinations, and treatment.


1)     Flu is caused by cold weather

Influenza, or the flu does commonly occur during the winter months. However, you do not get influenza from not wearing a hat or scarf when it's cold outside. Influenza is spread by coming into contact with someone who is carrying the virus.

10 Flu Myths

Influenza can lead to infection of the lungs or pneumonia.


2)      Flu vaccine causes influenza

One of the most common myths about influenza is that people commonly blame the vaccination for giving them the flu. The flu vaccine injection or shot is not a live vaccine, meaning it does not contain any virus particles that you could physiologically get sick from. The nasal vaccination can contain live virus, but in spite of that will not transmit influenza to healthy hosts.


3)      Flu vaccine is not worth it.

Flu vaccine can cause some slight irritation at the site of the injection. It can also cause mild headache or low-grade fever after injection, but this is a normal and common problem after most vaccines as your body reacts and prepares antibodies to fight any future encounters with the virus. The flu that circulates each can be very different strains, but those who prepare the vaccines are aware of this and work hard to make sure that the vaccine that is being used each year is one that is applicable and will help prevent disease.


4)      Flu vaccine only matters in the fall

Flu season, or the time which influenza is typically seen, actually lasts from October until May, with most cases often occurring in January or February. Therefore, getting a vaccination even in December can actually be very helpful at preventing disease. Also, there are typically two main types of virus circulating each year, so you can actually get the flu twice. The vaccine helps prevent against both of these.


5)      I got a flu vaccine last year so I don't need another one.

Unfortunately, the particular strain of the flu that circulates each year can be very different. The protection that you got last year may not adequately protect from this year's illness. However, those who prepare the vaccines are aware of this and work hard to make sure that the vaccine that is being used each year is one that is applicable and will help prevent disease.


Most people do not have any complications from flu vaccine.

6)      Healthy people do not need the vaccine

Children and elderly are most likely to develop complications, so the vaccination is very important for them to receive. However, most people can benefit from the vaccination. The vaccine should be avoided for children less than six months. Those who have had a severe allergic reaction or Guillain-Barre due to the vaccination should not get it again. Otherwise, your doctor can help make sure that the vaccine is safe for you. The vaccine is still safe to get during minor upper respiratory infections.


7)      Influenza infection is not dangerous

Thankfully, most of the time people get influenza, they do not have negative complications from it. Because of this, most people think of the flu like a bad cold that will end soon. However, there are many negative complications that can frequently occur with influenza. These complications are typically the reasons that people end up in the hospital for flu and include things like pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis, or dehydration. Each year, flu leads to 226,000 hospitalizations and up to 49,000 deaths.


8)      Only the elderly have complications from flu

The most common complications due to flu actually occur in children each year. They have the highest numbers of patients who develop flu and thus most likely to develop complications. The elderly on the other hand, are more likely to have fatal complications due to influenza.


9)      There is no way to diagnose the flu.

Flu infection can often be diagnosed based on physical examination and symptoms. If it is not clear, there are also several tests for flu available through nasal swab or blood test, depending on what is available for your physician or clinic.


10)   There is no treatment for the flu.

Antibiotics cannot help fight the flu at all. However, there are antiviral medications designed specifically to fight the flu. These antivirals are most effective in the first 48 hours of illness, so it is important if you do think you have the flu to see your doctor when symptoms develop. They can help decrease the length of time of illness even if taken later in the course of symptoms.


Varicose Veins are a very troubling concern for much of the population and have been extremely challenging for some. Varicose veins arise due to faulty vein leaflet functioning. Normally, veins contain blood that has already traveled to the skin or organs and needs to return to the heart. Normally the heart keeps the blood pumping through the vessels, but the pressure from the heart is not as noticeable in the veins. Because the pressure is much lower in veins, especially far away from the heart like in the legs, the veins contain leaflets or valves that can close and catch blood, which prevents all of the blood from pooling in our feet . In some cases these leaflets can get faulty and blood pools more than normal. In these cases, it can cause the veins to twist and bulge as they attempt to hold the increase in blood in their small diameter. This is the cause of varicose veins. In these cases, varicose veins appear as swollen or twisted veins on the surface of the skin, normally located on the lower calves and shins, and can be very painful at times. They can be flesh-colored or have a more reddish or purplish hue. Varicose veins can be seen in women who are pregnant, or are often attributed to aging, obesity, or family history.


Many of the veins that are affected are superficial veins. Surgical treatments involve removing the superficial veins, and blood flow is simply redirected to other veins. There are multiple non-surgical treatments that can help varicose veins as well. Basic treatments include exercise, elevating the legs, stockings.

In many cases, very simple changes can help significantly with unsightly varicose veins. If you have a job that involves mostly standing, taking breaks during the day is important. You should also try getting more supportive shoes and avoiding heels, which can both be very helpful. It is also important to not wear tight clothing that can impede blood flow at your hips or in your legs and further obstruct blood flow. Starting regular exercise and a healthy diet can help improve blood flow and decrease the effects of varicose veins, especially important in a person who is overweight, but very helpful with everyone (). Given that varicose veins are caused by pooling blood, one thing that can help is elevating the legs, usually by resting several pillows under the ankles so the legs are equal height or higher than the level of the heart. This is only a temporary relief, but can help significantly with symptoms of swelling, discoloration, and pain. Elastic compression stockings can be very effective as well. These stockings are worn to help squeeze the veins to encourage upward blood flow through the legs. Compression stockings should be fitted, but not painful when worn, and should be worn all day long to help encourage blood flow.

Varicose Veins

All of these non-surgical therapies are more temporary fixes then long term solutions. Except in the case of pregnancy, varicose veins are not usually reversible and will typically reoccur. If the above solutions have been tried and are not working or symptoms have worsened, in time varicose veins may require more permanent interventions. There are several long-term interventions that may help, but these are all surgical, though most of them are quick and outpatient procedures. Sclerotherapy is a non-surgical treatment that involves injecting a medication into veins that decreases their size and eventually closes them off. Blood flow is then redirected to deeper veins and the superficial veins are no longer swollen and irritated. Surgeries can be done by laser, catheter, or open procedure to remove the affected veins, and again blood flow is redirected to other veins.


Acne is an extremely common, extremely annoying problem that nearly everyone deals with in some capacity. Most people have learned how to handle and treat acne, but what is still very often misunderstood is what exactly causes it. There are numerous false thoughts about acne, particularly about the majority of the causes of acne, but also the best ways to treat it and to keep it from returning. We will dispel some common myths and talk about the true culprit today.


Physiologically, acne is caused by four main steps. These four steps each cause a different type of physical imperfection. We will discuss the main way each occurs below.




The first step of acne is blockage

The first is obstruction of sebaceous follicles, which are oil-producing glands normally located by hair follicles. The highest proportion of sebaceous follicles are located on the face, upper chest, and back, which explains the areas of the body that are most often affected by acne. These follicles can become obstructed by skin cells around the opening of the follicle, which is thought to be due to an influence by androgen hormones. This causes a bump or papules on the skin known as a comedome. Comedomes can be white, due to the presence of epithelial skin cells, or black due to the presence of melanin or coloring within the skin cells. These bumps are caused entirely by skin proliferation and not dirt. It is also a common misconception that these bumps are caused by diet or cause by chocolate. There have been several studies over the past fifty years trying to either prove or disprove the relationship between food and acne. Currently, the going known relationship is that food does not in any known way cause acne to form. However, it is thought that diets with high glycemic index or high in dairy may sometimes worsen it.


The second step of acne is hormones

The second major cause of acne is that it is triggered by hormones. Androgen hormones, like testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, cause the production of sebum. Sebum is like an oil for the skin that helps keep it moist and pliable, but in excessive levels can form a plug in the follicles. The increase in the sebum can contribute to the blocking of sebaceous glands and worsen comedomes. Another common misconception is that acne is caused by poor hygiene or improper bathing, though that is a common myth. Cleaning your skin is important to help keep oils and dirt off of your skin in general, and cleaning your skin can help improve acne but not doing so does not actually cause acne.


The third cause of acne is bacteria

The third major cause of acne is bacteria. The bacteria thrive well in the sebum and blocked follicles in the skin. The bacteria that typically cause acne are not the typical ones that cause other skin infections, and are usually caused by a bacteria called propionibacterium acnes. These deeper seated infections can actually cause cysts in the skin which are even more difficult to treat. This is the reason that severe acne is often treated with antibiotics. Acne is not contagious though the bacteria live deep within the skin and cannot be spread by touching or interacting with another person. That is another common misconception.



The fourth problem of acne is inflammation of the skin

The fourth cause of acne is inflammation. The body recognizes the presence of bacteria and triggers the complement pathway, which is a system that can help fight and kill the bacteria within your body. This process also activates pro-inflammatory cytokines which causes overlying inflammation and erythema to the skin. The presence of inflammation causes pink or red pustules or cysts within the skin, which are another common symptom of acne.


Skin care is one of the most important yet most often ignored things we discuss with typical health care. Below we have listed some of the most common problems that can cause skin damage or poor health.

1)      Dehydration. Drinking plenty of water is vital not only for your health but also for your skin. Recently the Institute for Medicine declared that is important to have about 13 cups total of water daily for men, and about 9 cups daily for women, but that should be changed if you have an illness or exercise regularly.

2)      Excessive Sun exposure– Small amounts of ultraviolet light found in sunlight are essential for helping skin make use of vitamin D. However, prolonged or excessive exposure can cause long-term damaging effects beyond a simple sunburn, including changes in the skin such as freckling, sagging skin, poor coloration, and wrinkling. Excessive sun exposure also puts you at increased risk for various types of skin cancers. Wreck your Skin

3)      Avoiding all sun exposure. While avoiding excessive sun exposure is important, sunlight is important for the synthesizing of vitamin D. Adequate vitamin D levels are necessary for health, but can also help reduce acne, improve elasticity, and lessen aging effects in the skin.

4)      Not wearing sunscreen. Sunscreen is a great protectant against UVA and UVB light, especially when using at least SPF 15 and when used daily. Sunscreen is recommended by dermatologists not only for fair skin but also darker skin complexions, and not only in the heat but also colder climates. Wearing protective clothing can be just as effective as sunscreen. Wearing long sleeves, a hat, and making sure to stay in shade can be just as important and skin-saving as sunscreen.

5)      Smoking. Smoking can cause premature aging of the skin and wrinkling. Nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarettes lead to narrowing of the blood vessels, which can cause decreased blood flow to the skin and decrease in nutrients. These can leave skin sagging, with a sallow or yellowish appearance and cause poor wound healing.

Wreck your Skin

6)      Poor skin knowledge. Skin does not normally need a bunch of complicated, expensive treatments in order to maintain a healthy glow. One important step is making sure you simply take the time to learn about what is important for your skin, such as basic health care, instead of simply ignoring them.

7)      Using cosmetics excessively. Cosmetics products such as lotions, deodorants, and acne treatments can contain many additional irritants and should be tested on a small area of skin before using. Also, the colors, fragrances and preservatives they contain can sometimes cause allergic type reactions on the skin and avoiding them can often help clear up rashes and dry skin.

8)      Using the wrong soap. Some soaps can sometimes strip the skin of too many oils and dry it out, which can cause dry itchy skin. Fragrances and dyes in soaps as well can cause irritation to skin, and even if a soap has been used for many years, sometimes it is necessary to switch to another soap.

9)      Poor health. Taking good care of your health can actually show in the color and appearance of your skin. Several medical disorders can actually affect the health and appearance of your skin, including things such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis.

10)   Not eating fruits and vegetables. Eating foods like tomatoes, oranges, and peppers that contain antioxidants can help increase protection from the sun and can help decrease past damage. A diet concentrating on omega fatty acids can help not improve not only health but also skin appearance as well.

11)   Avoiding wine. Red wine in small doses actually contains resveratrol, which helps to increase hydration and anti-aging enzymes to the skin.

12)   Stress. If people realized how damaging stress was to their skin, muscles, and health, they would actually regularly try to schedule rest in their weeks, and incorporate stress-relieving activities in their day. Stress can actually cause us tense up certain muscles in our face and shoulders, which actually pulls at and ages the skin prematurely. Disorders of the skin such as eczema and rosacea are also known to worsen in cases of stress.

Additional reference for skin care.

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