Essential Health Advice for the Older Generation
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In the US alone, there is a distinct aging population, in which 13% of residents are now over the age of 65. Currently, there are more individuals living longer than previous generations, but what is the reason for that? According to specialists, there are several explanations as to why baby boomers are living longer, but it is simply all down to the way they are managing their health.
If you are looking to keep yourself fit and well in the later stage of your life, here are a few useful tips to follow, to improve your chances of going about your daily life without health concerns:
Quit smoking
As you are probably already aware, smoking is one of the top 10 causes of premature death in the world. According to research, it is set to become one of the biggest killers over the next 20 years, causing illnesses such as cancer, stroke, heart failure, and COPD. Living with COPD can be debilitating and may prevent sufferers from continuing with the activities they enjoy.
Symptoms of the disease may include wheezing and breathlessness as a result of long-term lung damage; most often caused by cigarette smoke. If you believe you are suffering from the condition, the first step would be to quit smoking. You don’t have to suffer from the symptoms of COPD if you research the best treatment methods. Inogen’s intelligent technology delivery has been clinically proven to provide essential oxygen to patients with utmost efficiency via conserver technology.
- Get physical
For the older generation, in particular, staying active is of high importance. It can have a significant impact on your strength, stability, and suppleness, which could improve your heart health. A little bit of aerobic exercise on occasion can strengthen the muscles in the chest, back and legs, which should enhance the heart rate and breathing.
You don’t necessarily have to partake in anything too strenuous though! A brisk walk in the morning or a spot of gardening would be an ideal way of involving physical activity into your daytime routine without having to commit to a specified fitness program. Having said that, joining a local tennis club, for example, would be a great way to socialize and you may even find that some clubs offer discounts for senior citizens.
Eat healthily
As you age, your body needs fewer calories to function. However, you are still in need of vital nutrients. In fact, a healthy diet can have implications for preventing illnesses such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Therefore, being aware of the foods you choose to consume may instantly improve your health.
When it comes to changing up your diet, opt for foods such as:
– Colorful fruits and vegetables
– Whole grains including the likes of oatmeal and brown pasta and rice
– Eggs, poultry, and seafood
– Low-fat milk and cheese
- Maintain a healthy weight
As you age, you are bound to notice distinct changes in your body, such as a reduction in muscle mass which is making you appear gaunt, or on the other hand, holding on to extra weight due to burning fewer calories.On the whole, senior citizens are more commonly underweight than overweight as their appetite may be impacted by illness or not eating foods that are rich in nutrients. However, for those who are overweight, extra body fat can cause illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes.
One way to monitor your weight would be with a BMI calculator to discover the appropriate weight for your height and build. You can then decide whether more diet or exercise changes are needed to keep you in good shape.